Braver Bundles

Braver Bundles


A small QoL improvement to bundles alongside other new misc features from random block placement to allowing stacking of non stackables and much more.

Server AdventureEquipmentGame MechanicsUtility

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-Fixed an issue regarding a dependence error

-Added german translations.

-Added german translations

-Added networking stuff to fix S2C syncing issues

-Added networking stuff to fix the C2S syncing issues.

-Ok fr, fixed it.

-Fixed the fabric mod json, it should work now (Hopefully).

-Added some experimental networking stuff to potentialyy fix some C2S syncing issues.

  • Fixed the issue with the config file generating empty.
  • Mod uses midnightlib for configs now.
  • Added all the en_ lang json files
  • Fixed the issue regarding the config file generating empty.
  • Mod uses midnightlib for configs now.
  • Added missing englisng json translations for other english variants.

Updated the mod to 1.21.4

Updated to 1.21.4

First Release:

  • Added the ability to store upto 4 unstackables inside a bundle. (Configurable)
  • Added random block placement mechanic when the player has block items inside the bundle and is trying to place down the block while sneaking.
  • Added the ability to store block drops directly into the bundle when you mine a block while holding a bundle either in your main or off-hand slot.
  • Added some new dispenser functionalities regarding bundles
    • Bundles now spill out their contents instead of themselves. If there are two or more bundles inside the order in which items come out would be random.
    • If an item is at a dispenser's mouth but it has a bundle inside the item would be added to the bundle.
  • Giving a filled bundle to an allay will make it only bring items that are inside the bundles giving them a higher priority.

Project members




Helping out with the code


Original Author & Idea


Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published a month ago
Updated 7 days ago