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My Modpacks:

Roleplay Vanilla +

Bubustein's Money Mod

Ever wish Minecraft had a money mod? Search no further!

You now have Bubustein's Money Mod, which contains US Dollars, Euros, Pound sterling, Canadian dollars, and more. Even an ATM (soon) is available where you can deposit your cash into a bank account. It works in reverse! Banker and Exchanger villager professions are also important where emeralds can be converted into Currency to be used with other players. You can resume using the village's trading hall because it works in reverse. Also, you can get some OP items from Banker since x.0.9!

If you have suggestions or if you found an issue, don't hesitate to send/report them on my Github repository!

P.S. The Dark GUI isn't included in this mod, you have to download the resource pack -> Bubustein's Dark Textures


Compatible Versions

✅-> is available (Active Development with regular updates)

🍂 -> is available (Versions that may receive occasional updates)

🪦 -> Dead Versions (No More Updates)

📅 -> Scheduled for Future Release (Maybe in Active Development)

⛔ -> These versions don't exist for this loader.

⭕ -> These versions will be retired soon.

No more updates for Forge 1.20.5+.

Minecraft Version Version Number Forge Fabric/Quilt Neoforge
1.16.4 or older 🪦 🪦 🪦
1.16.5 1.x.y 🍂 🍂
1.17.1 🪦 🪦 🪦
1.18.2 2.x.y
1.19.2 3.x.y
1.19.3-1.19.4 4.x.y 🪦 🪦
1.20.1 5.x.y
1.20.2 🪦 🪦 🪦 🪦
1.20.4 6.x.y 🪦 🪦 🪦
1.20.5-1.20.6 6.0.7d, 7.x.y 🪦 🪦
1.21-1.21.1 8.x.y
1.21.2-1.21.3 🪦 🪦 🪦 🪦
1.21.4 9.x.y 📅 📅
1.21.5 10.x.y 📅 📅



Date Changelog Version

1 May/25 June 2023

Euro and Dollar Banknotes Beta 1

7th August 2023

Coins, recipes, cards Beta 2

29/30th August 2023

ATM(without the BlockEntity/without the GUI),
Pound Sterling, Canadian Dollars,
Romanian New Leu, Moldovan Leu,
The 1900s variant of Romanian Leu
Beta 3

15th September 2023

A$, JPY, Swiss Franc, custom villagers
( Banker - Bank Machine + Exchanger - ATM)

Beta 4

7th December 2023

Added a lot of banknotes and coins.
Examples: Polish Zlot, Bulgarian Leva, Danish Kroner, Norwegian Krona, Swedish Krona, etc.
Moved Cards, ATM, and Bank Machine to Bubustein's Special tab.
Cards are still useless, unfortunately.
Now you can craft for example from 5 Euro to 10 Euro using Crafting Table,
from 10 to 5 and so on.

Beta 5

4th January 2024

Modified the 10 Canadian dollar banknote (2018, vertical edition), Chinese Yuan Renminbi, Indian Rupee, South Korean won, and Icelandic Krona. Added a new house in villages for Banker & Exchanger. Beta 6

29th February 2024

Moved all to Architectury. From now, you need Architectury API when you install my mod.
Fixed ATM Block. Now ATM is a DoubleBlockBase
Added a new Custom Structure, The Mansion (You need to backup your worlds before installing x.0.7!)
However the ATM Entity is not implemented yet. :(
Added Mexican Peso, Brazilian Real, and South African Rand
Removed 100 Pounds Banknote because that was from Gibraltar. Modified the recipe of 100 Australian dollars. The mansion isn't available for 1.16.5

6th July 2024

Added the Bank Machine GUI. Now all recipes are moved into the Bank Machine. You only can craft in the CraftingTableBlock the BankMachine.
Added New Zealand Dollar and Turkish Lira. The ATM GUI isn't implemented yet ;(
Optimized the distance between bubusteinmoneymod:mansion. Now this structure is rarer. You need to backup your worlds before installing x.0.8!

2nd September 2024

Removed some recipes. Added Special Paper. The bank machine recipe of first banknote of every currency has changed,
from now you need Special Paper. Restructured villager trades. The Banker has new trades USD for diamond and netherite ingot,
and ROL (1900) for enchanted armor and tools. The Exchanger trades are now restructured.
Level 1 - every European currency + USD change for EUR, Level 2 - reverse, Level 3 - every non-european currency change for USD/GBP
Level 4 - reverse, Level 5 - ROL (1900) change for EUR and reverse. The mansion has more witches and pillagers than in the
previous version. Added Philippines Piso. Modified some textures.
You need to backup your worlds before installing x.0.9!

???th February 2025

New ATM Texture (128x128px). (Without ATM GUI sadly) The Cards are not useless anymore.
Created a very complicated mechanism with Commands. Use `/bubustein help` to see all commands
Made Mansion less OP.
You need to backup your worlds before installing x.0.10!

Be our HERO! Apply for Beta-Tester and help us to beat the "dragons".

here Google Forms You must join on my discord server before applying.


You may use BUBUSTEIN's Money Mod in your modpack only if you upload your modpack only on Modrinth and give credit. You AREN'T ALLOWED to upload your modpack to any site other than MODRINTH.

If you want to upload your modpack to CURSEFORGE -> You need to take my mod from the Curseforge page. NO OVERRIDES.

Project members




Published 2 years ago
Updated 6 months ago