Café's Birding

Café's Birding


A mod that adds some vanilla-style birds as well as new music discs, potions, etc.

Client and server AdventureDecorationFood Mobs

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Sparrow: The simplest bird. It has 4 variants depending on the biome and can be tamed with seeds, but it will not follow its owner. Feed it breadcrumbs to breed. If you don't want to kill it, it will release its feathers from time to time while it flies.

Capercaillie: A flightless bird that will not attack you unless you do so first. It will eat nearby berries and occasionally drop a feather when collecting them.

Jackdaw: Like the sparrow, this bird can be tamed with seeds and fed breadcrumbs to breed. It will also trade rare items with you if you give him shiny items like gold nuggets.

Spiderhunter: Probably the rarest of the 4 birds, as it only spawns in flower forests and sunflower plains. Feed it flowers to breed or spider eye to make it attack nearby spiders. If it kill one, it will drop some new loot. But if you want to pacify him, you must feed him honeycomb.


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Raw Bird Thigh & Cooked Bird Thigh: The meat that all birds drop (parrots included). Works just like raw chicken and can be cooked in Cooked Bird Thigh.

Milanese & Milanese With Potatoes: 2 new foods that can be crafted with Cooked Bird Thigh or Cooked Chicken.

Sparrow Feather: Drop by sparrows and is used to make the Feathery Potion.

Capercaillie Feather: Drop by capercaillies and is used to make the Satiation Potion.

Jackdaw Feather: Drop by jackdaws and is used to make the Umbra Potion.

Parrot Feather: Drop by parrot and is used to make the Haleness Potion.

Mysterious Feather: A rare drop from trading with a jackdaw. Is used to make the Ravenous Potion.

Breadcrumbs: It is used to feed most birds or to craft milanese.

Seed Cookie: Made from sweet berries and seeds to heal any bird.

Soul Cookie: Crafted from a seed cookie and 2 soul sands. It gives positive effects to the bird you feed it.

Spider Leg: Drop when a spiderhunter kills a spider. Is used to make the Arachnid Potion.

Disc Fragment (Nitid): A rare drop from trading with a jackdaw.

Music Disc (Feathers): A sparrow drop it when it eats a cookie while having nausea effect.

Music Disc (Grouch): Dropped when a capercaillie kills a skeleton.

Music Disc (Pollen): Dropped when a spiderhunter kills an invisible spider.

Music Disc (Nitid): Crafted from 9 Disc Fragments.

Music Disc (Ashes): Result of burning any of the previous discs.


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Feathery Effect: Provides extra knockback resistence.

Satiation Effect: Slowly regenerates the hunger bar. Also allow you to run regardless of how hungry you are.

Umbra Effect: Gives you a speed boost in dark areas.

Haleness Effect: Gives you a strength boost as long as your hunger bar is more than 7.

Ravenous Effect: Incoming attacks reduce your hunger bar instead of your health bar.

Arachnid Effect: Allows you to climb any block while crouching. It also gives you immunity to poison and cobweb slowness.


Licensed ARR
Published 10 months ago
Updated 10 months ago