


A simple mod for 1.12.2 that adds campfires with high levels of customizability!

Client and server DecorationFood

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A simple mod for 1.12.2 that adds campfires with high levels of customizability!

This mod automatically creates campfire recipes from all food-related furnace recipes to ensure compatibility with pretty much every food mod right out of the box! The config file can be used to add custom recipes, or be used to remove builtin ones.

Recipe config details for modpack developers

The config/campfire/recipes.json file has two main parts, it can either add recipes or remove them. Some examples are below:

        //recipe that turns a dirt into a diamond, with no exp output and that takes 400 ticks (default value)
        //recipe that turns a course dirt into an emerald, the recipe is set to only work on oak log campfires
        //recipe that turns wool (with any damage value) into a stone block, takes 500 ticks and gives 1 xp
        //nbt-specific recipe turns a blue-dyed leather tunic into a totem of undying
        //oredict recipe that turns any logWood item into charcoal
        //the "input" tag removes any recipes that use the provided ItemStack as an input
        //the "output" tag removes any recipes that use the provided ItemStack as an output

The config/campfire.cfg file also has a setting to toggle the auto-generation of campfire recipes from food furnace recipes, if you want even more customization over the recipes!

The campfires added by this mod offer the same functionality of what you'd expect from the Village and Pillage Update's implementation, and much more! The first difference you may notice right off the bat is that these campfires can be made with any "logWood" item (not just oak), which means that all vanilla and modded wood types are dynamically supported! The config can also be used to add or remove wood types (so you can add diamond campfires if you really want lol).

The previously mentioned campfire recipes can optionally specify valid wood types. For example, you could make a recipe that requires a specific wood type, or that only works with a small handful of wood types (if you decide not to specify wood types in your recipes, any will be accepted).

Campfires are also dyeable! They're dyed the same way as leather armor in a crafting table. When dyed, the smoke particles will be the same color (there are no smoke particles in the left image so the campfires in the back can be seen more clearly, campfire smoke can be toggled in the config).

Along with adding Campfires, this mod also adds a decorative Brazier block! It emits smoke the same as a campfire and can be dyed too! (credit goes to Foreck1 for the idea and cage texture)

Some smaller changes are that the amount of items campfires can cook at once is increased from 4 to 8, and that walking into campfires or braziers will deal fire damage! Either of these changes can be reverted in the config.

While powered, campfires (and braziers) will tint their smoke color the same as the block's map color below. This functionality was heavily inspired by the Colorful Campfire mod. If you don't like this functionality, you can set the powered action via the config to either: COLOR, DISABLE, or IGNORE. COLOR does what I just described, DISABLE simply disables the smoke particles while powered, and IGNORE removes any kind of powered functionality.

If you're a modpack developer wanting to add this mod to a CurseForge exclusive modpack, use File Director.

This mod will not be ported

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Licensed ARR
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago