Carbon Config is a Config Library first Developed for IC2Classic and now made a Open Source implementation.
The idea behind Carbon Config is to have more customizable, simpler, more stable, cleaner and feature rich implementation of a config.
Carbon Config is built out of 2 Modules.
- The Config module, which is a standalone Java Library
- The GUI module, which is a Minecraft mod
The GUI supports both CarbonConfigs and Forge Configs right out of the gate.
A detailed Feature list can be found here
To list a few of its features:
Data can be visualized via Compounds instead of raw Strings.
Suggestions can be provided to the user in form of "default values" to make the user experience much more smooth.
Multiplayer Support:
You can edit "Any" Server sided config too, not just "server only configs"
Client to Server Configs:
Players can have their own settings in a Multiplayer instance and they can be easily distinguished.
Late Loading Configs:
If the config loads early but entries are "registered" late, that isn't a problem since the configs get parsed as they are registered.
Registry Visualization:
If it is Items/Block/Fluids/Potions/Enchantments/Colors get all visualized specially in the GUI.
Background Skin System:
If you don't like the current background? Simply change it to one of the curated choices provided. There should be something for everyone!
Minecraft gamerule support:
You can edit game rules of your current world/server or existing Worlds without having to open them. Which finally gives a use to the fabric version