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Carpet Gamerules
Extension for gnembon's Carpet Mod that adds all vanilla gamerules to the carpet settings
Visit the GitHub page for a more detailed explanation.
List of Gamerules
Count: 51
- announceAdvancements
- blockExplosionDropDecay
- commandBlockOutput
- commandModificationBlockLimit
- disableElytraMovementCheck
- disableRaids
- doDaylightCycle
- doEntityDrops
- doFireTick
- doImmediateRespawn
- doInsomnia
- doLimitedCrafting
- doMobLoot
- doMobSpawning
- doPatrolSpawning
- doTileDrops
- doTraderSpawning
- doVinesSpread
- doWardenSpawning
- doWeatherCycle
- drowningDamage
- enderPearlsVanishOnDeath
- fallDamage
- fireDamage
- forgiveDeadPlayers
- freezeDamage
- globalSoundEvents
- keepInventory
- lavaSourceConversion
- logAdminCommands
- maxCommandChainLength
- maxCommandForkCount
- maxEntityCramming
- mobExplosionDropDecay
- mobGriefing
- naturalRegeneration
- playersNetherPortalCreativeDelay
- playersNetherPortalDefaultDelay
- playersSleepingPercentage
- projectilesCanBreakBlocks
- randomTickSpeed
- reducedDebugInfo
- sendCommandFeedback
- showDeathMessages
- snowAccumulationHeight
- spawnChunkRadius
- spawnRadius
- spectatorsGenerateChunks
- tntExplosionDropDecay
- universalAnger
- waterSourceConversion
Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Created 3 years ago
Updated 2 months ago