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🔖Help Needed🔖

  • New Translations
  • Port to latest Minecraft versions
  • Port to (Neo)Forge

Feel free to make a PR on Github.

📋 Overview

Chat Tools is a highly customizable Minecraft client mod that supports various features, allowing them to interoperate through commands and more.

📖 Glossary and Technical Details

  • Session Identifier (Chat Tools-specific term) is a string that, in single-player mode, corresponds to the current save name, and in multiplayer mode, corresponds to the server address. Related Regular Expressions use the matches() method for matching.
  • Pattern (General term) refers to the Regular Expression pattern. Chat Tools uses the MULTILINE mode for Regular Expressions and matches them using the find() method.
  • Chat Tools maintains multi versions by using macro replacement. The same version of Chat Tools may exhibit slight differences between Minecraft versions.
  • When processing player messages, Chat Tools removes color codes (§.).
  • By enabling Advanced Tooltips (F3+H), you can hover over configuration items on the configuration page to view their keys, default values, and other details.

🛠️ Commands

  • /chattools on - Enable the mod.
  • /chattools off - Disable the mod.
  • /chattools opengui - Open the configuration page.
  • /chattools download - Download addons.
  • /chattools regex_checker <pattern> [<test_content>] - Without test content: check if the pattern is a valid regex. With test content: validate the pattern and test if it matches the content.
  • /chattools send_to_client text <text_JSON_component> - Send specific text to the client chat bar.
  • /chattools send_to_client actionbar <text_JSON_component> - Display specific text on the client actionbar.
  • /chattools config openfile - Open the configuration file (editing requires a game restart to apply changes).
  • /chattools config get <key> - Retrieve the value of a specific configuration key for the current session.
  • /chattools config set <key> <value> [<save>] - Set the value of a specific configuration key. If save is set to true, the changes will also be saved to the file.
  • /chattools config toggle <key> [<save>] - Toggle the state of a boolean-type configuration key. If save is set to true, the changes will also be saved to the file.

✨ Function introduction

For elaborate descriptions and examples, please see >>FAQ<<.

General Settings

These are the core settings for Chat Tools:

  • Show Timestamp
    Adds a timestamp to each message.
  • Restore Messages
    Recovers messages from previous sessions.
  • Nickname Hider
    Conceals your real nickname from your view.
    Nickname Hider
  • Translator
    Press Shift + Tab in the chat bar to start translating.
  • Enable Chat History Navigator
    Use Ctrl + F to start navigating in chat!
    Chat History Navigator
  • Max History Length
    Sets the maximum number of chat messages stored.
    Max History Length

Notifier Settings

Various chat alert features:

  • Toast Notification
  • Sound
    Supports custom sound effects.
  • Actionbar
    Displays alerts in the action bar.
  • Highlight
    Supports custom highlighting prefixes.
    Highlight Function
  • Allow List
    Messages matching this list are allowed.
  • Ban List
    Messages matching this list are blocked (higher priority than Allow List).

Formatter Settings

Customize your messages using specified patterns. Apply different rules for different servers. See Bubble Rules.

  • Pattern
    Automatically formats messages based on the specified style.
    For example:
    &e{text} makes your message gold on servers supporting the color prefix '&'.
    &e{text} ~(ovo)~ adds a personalized suffix.
    My coordinates are: {pos} replaces {pos} with your current coordinates.
  • Auto-Disable for Matching...
    In some cases, you don't want your text to be formatted.
    This includes (but isn't limited to):
    Item counts or all when selling items to the Chest Shop;
    Commands starting with special characters.
    The default RegEx pattern ^\d+$|^[.#%$/].*|\ball\b covers most cases.
    You can modify or add more as needed.

Chat Keybindings

Use hotkeys for frequently used commands:

  • Trigger Last Command Hotkey
    Press a set hotkey to repeat the previous command.
    For example:
    While playing a Parkour map, do F3+C and activate it for a time, then you can quickly go back to the recorded point location every time you press the hotkey.
  • Command Keybindings
    Assign hotkeys to frequently used commands.
    Command Keybindings

Bubble Settings

  • Enable Chat Bubbles
    Displays a chat bubble over your head.
    Chat Bubbles
  • Bubble Rules
    Apply different bubble rules on different servers.
    Bubble Rules

Responder Settings

Warning: Before using this feature on a server, please check with other players and admins first!

  • Enable Responder
    Automatically responds to others' messages.
  • Responder Rules
    Apply different responder rules on different servers.

Chat Filter Settings

  • Enable Chat Filter
    Filter chat messages based on specific rules.
  • Filter Rules
    If any of the patterns in this list matches an incoming message, the message will be filtered.

Project members




Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published 2 years ago
Updated a month ago