NOTICE: This mod is abandoned and its features have been split into multiple mods which you can find on my profile page.
Cherry On Top is a collection of features and tweaks for Fabric designed to fit vanilla, while offering an extensive configuration that lets you adapt the mod to your own needs.
Upgrade enchantments stored in enchanted books for an XP cost in the smithing table with the new Enchantment Upgrade Smithing Template! These can be found as loot in End Cities, and can be duplicated just like other smithing templates.
Details and Config
Adds a new smithing template found in End Cities by default that can upgrade a single enchantment stored in a book by one. The selected enchantment depends on the amount of lapis added to the recipe. By default, upgrading costs experience based on the upgraded book's repair cost. The template can be duplicated once found.Configuration options:
- Add or remove locations where the smithing template can be found and define the loot chance and the amount of templates, in the format of
- Add an XP cost to upgrading books, based on the repair cost of the book being upgraded, and set an optional base XP cost added on top of the repair cost
- Remove the XP cost entirely
- Ignore "Too Expensive!" (XP cost limit) when upgrading
- Only allow upgrading books which contain one enchantment only
Repair your items on the go with Whetstones! Craft them with quartz, and combine them with your item and the appropriate material in the crafting grid to repair the item. Enchant Whetstones with enchantments that match your item, and you can repair your enchanted item, too!
Details and Config
Adds Whetstones, a new item crafted with quartz that can be used to repair items on the go.- Combine a Whetstone, an item to repair, and the repair material in the crafting grid to repair the item. The Whetstone loses durability after the repair
- Regular Whetstones only repair unenchanted items
- Enchantments can be added to the Whetstone at an anvil. An enchanted Whetstone can only repair items whose enchantments match the enchantments on the Whetstone
- Whetstones can be repaired at an anvil
The whetstone repair recipe will show up in EMI if it's installed.
Use your Ender Chest storage on the go with the Ender Backpack! Craft it by surrounding an Ender Chest with leather, then open it by simply using the item or pressing B while it's in your inventory. If Trinkets is installed, you can also equip the Ender Backpack in the Back slot and open it by pressing B.
Details and Config
Adds the Ender Backpack, a new item that functions like a portable ender chest, crafted by surrounding an ender chest with leather, and can be opened by either right-clicking while holding it, or pressing the hotkey (default: B) while it's anywhere in the inventory.If Trinkets is installed, the Ender Backpack will be equippable in the Back slot, and can still be opened with the hotkey.
Teleport to your friends without commands with Potions of Wormhole! Brew them with an awkward potion and ender eye in the brewing stand, drink them, and select the player to teleport to from the menu that appears. Also, brew a Potion of Teleportation with an awkward potion and ender pearl, and get teleported to an entirely random place in a large radius around you!
Details and Config
Adds two new potions inspired by Terraria.Potion of Wormhole
- Teleports you to other players
- Brewed with an awkward potion and ender eye
- Drinking opens up a screen where you can select a player to teleport to
Potion of Teleportation
- Teleports you to a random location in a configurable radius
- Brewed with an awkward potion and ender pearl
- Configurable max teleport height
Recipes for these potions will show up in EMI if it's installed.
Make the compass and clock worth carrying! Having a compass anywhere in the inventory shows info about your position and biome at the top left of the screen, while the clock shows info about the time and weather in the same position.
Details and Config
Shows useful information in the top left when carrying a compass or a clock.Compass info:
- Coordinates
- Direction
- Biome
Clock info:
- Day and time
- Weather
- Season (if Serene Seasons is installed)
Configuration options:
- Enable or disable each info overlay
- Color the weather line according to the current weather conditions
- Color the season line according to the current season
No more annoying phantom spawns when you haven't slept in a while! Instead, phantoms spawn only at high altitudes at night. Want to temporarily prevent phantoms from spawning? Simply hold a Phantom Membrane in your hand, and no phantoms will spawn!
Details and Config
Replaces vanilla phantom spawning rules with spawning rules based on altitude.Instead of having to not sleep for 3 in-game days in order to trigger phantom spawning at night, phantoms now start spawning at night above Y level of 128 by default, with the spawn chance increasing the higher the player is above the defined Y level, regardless of whether the player has slept recently or not.
Additionally, phantoms can be repelled by holding a repellent item (phantom membrane by default), either in the main hand or offhand.
Configuration options:
- Change the starting height for phantom spawning
- Modify the frequency at which the spawn check will run, in seconds.
can be used in the expression to pick a random number from 1 to x. The vanilla frequency is59 + rand(60)
- Enable or disable phantom repelling
- Add or remove items to be used as phantom repellent items
No more stressful runbacks after death! All the items you drop on death will be dropped at the exact spot you died at instead of splattering all over the place, and will never despawn! Additionally, you will drop most of the XP you had, instead of dropping just a small amount of it.
Details and Config
- Makes items dropped on death never despawn
- Prevents items dropped on death from splattering around the player and instead drops them all at the exact spot where the player died
- Increases the amount of experience that the player drops on death
Configuration options:
- Change the amount of experience that the player drops on death as a percentage of the total experience
- Toggle each option listed above on or off
Turn the anvil into a consistent workstation that's enjoyable to use! Instead of every item getting repaired by 25% with each repair, the repaired amount is based on how much material is required to craft the item. Repairing unenchanted items and renaming any item costs no XP, there is no longer an XP cost limit, and the anvil gets damaged twice as less often.
Details and Config
Changes the amount of materials required to repair items in the anvil from a fixed amount of 4 to an amount based on the amount of material units required to craft the item.For example, to fully repair an iron chestplate, you now need 8 iron ingots up from 4, and to fully repair an iron sword, you need 2 iron ingots down from 4.
- Change the chance that the anvil will be damaged on use
- Remove the XP cost for repairing unenchanted items
- Remove the XP cost for renaming items
- Remove the combine XP cost limit ("Too Expensive!" prompt)
- Remove prior work penalty (combine XP cost increasing the more you repair and upgrade the item)
Configuration options:
- Change the amount of material units required to fully repair an item for each item type
- Toggle each option listed above on or off
Turn experience bottles into an item worth looting! Experience bottles now grant way more experience, and can be found as loot in more places around the world.
Details and Config
- Increases the amount of experience given by the bottles
- Renames "Bottle O' Enchanting" to "Experience Bottle"
- Adds bottles as loot to more chests in the world
Configuration options:
- Change the amount of experience given by the bottles.
can be used in the expression to pick a random number from 1 to x. The vanilla experience amount is1 + rand(5) + rand(5)
- Enable or disable renaming to "Experience Bottle"
- Enable or disable adding bottles as loot to more chests in the world
- Add or remove additional locations where the bottles can be found and define the loot chance and amount, in the format of
Enchanted books can now be found in more places around the world and have a slightly increased chance to spawn in places where they already appear in vanilla. The more, the merrier!
Details and Config
Adds additional enchanted book loot to chests in the world.Optionally, make defined enchantments exclusive to defined structures, and specify the chances for each enchantment level to appear on looted enchanted books.
Configuration options:
- Add or remove additional locations where enchanted books can be found and define the loot chance and amount, in the format of
- Enable or disable making enchantments exclusive to defined structures
- Add or remove rules for structure-specific enchantments, in the format of
(an example entry is provided in the default config) - Enable or disable weighted enchantment levels in looted enchanted books
- Modify weights for each enchantment level
Complete your music disc collection without hassle! Music discs which usually drop from creepers when they're killed by skeletons can now be found as loot in many places in the world.
Details and Config
Adds a chance to find any music disc you can usually get from getting a skeleton to kill a creeper to loot chests in the world. Additionally, removes the vanilla 13 and Cat music disc loot in regular dungeons to avoid getting many copies of those two discs.Configuration options:
- Change the chance that a disc will spawn in any of the defined locations
- Add or remove locations where the discs can be found
- Enable or disable removing the vanilla 13 and Cat music disc loot from regular dungeons
Glowstone dust recipe
Enables crafting glowstone dust by combining redstone dust with blaze powder.Crying obsidian recipe
Enables crafting crying obsidian by combining obsidian with a ghast tear.Soul Speed doesn't damage boots
Removes the durability damage taken from using Soul Speed.Creeper explosion drops all items
Makes creeper explosions drop every destroyed block instead of only dropping some of them.Disable shulker duplication
Disables the game mechanic that allows shulkers to duplicate by hitting each other with their bullets.Disable pillager patrols
Prevents pillager patrols from spawning, regardless of what the gamerule is set to.Disable night vision
Makes Night Vision unobtainable in survival with the following changes:- The brewing recipe for Night Vision potions now makes Invisibility potions instead
- The crafting recipe for Suspicious Stew with a Night Vision effect now gives a Suspicious Stew with Invisibility instead
- Looted Suspicious Stew that would contain Night Vision now contains Invisibility instead
- Advancements which require Night Vision in any form now don't
Riptide works in water only
Makes tridents enchanted with Riptide work only in water, and not in rain.Reduce debug info in survival
Turns on reduced debug info in survival mode, hiding essential info (such as coordinates) from the F3 debug screen.Disable double-tap to sprint
Disables double-tapping the forward key to start sprinting.Early loader tweaks
These tweaks are configurable only outside of the game in cherry-on-top-early.json
located in the config folder.