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Clay Soldiers

clay soldiers in action

geckolib Requires Fabric API Requires Architectury API

Clay Soldiers Fight!

Red and Blue Clay Soldiers fight each other Before the Fight...


Leather Upgrade

Leather Upgrade

Stick Upgrade

Stick Upgrade

Glowstone Upgrade

Glowstone Upgrade makes soldiers Glow in Dark

Upgrade Item Description Requires Durability
Stick Increases Attack damage by 2 --- 20
Flint Increases Attack damage by 1 Stick ---
Glowstone Makes the Soldier glow in the dark --- ---
Leather Gives a leather armor / 3 Armor points --- 20
Wool Upgrades the leather Armor / 2 Armor points Leather ---
(More Upgrades coming)


Create soldiers with clay and soul sand

Clay Soldiers Recipe

Use a disruptor to remove all soldiers instantly

Clay Disruptor Recipe

Create Horses for them

Clay Horses Recipe

You can dye them any color

Colored Soldier Recipe

After crafting Clay Soldiers, right-click to put them on the ground and watch them fight!

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 8 months ago