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Cobblemon Integrations

This is a fully configurable mod that provides many popular mod integrations for Cobblemon. All other dependencies are entirely optional.

Current Mod Integrations

  • JEI: Adds catalogs for Pokemon Drops and Evolution Items.
  • Jade: Adds tooltips for Pokemon Info, Apricorn Growth, Healer Charge, Berry Bush Info, and Fossil Analyzer Info.
  • Waystones: Adds new Pokemon interaction option to teleport to Waystones.
  • Tough as Nails: Fire and ice Pokemon affect body temperature and water types can fill water bottles.
  • Enhanced Celestials: Adjust shiny rates, experience gain, and EVs during lunar events. Adds custom spawn/evolution condition "lunarEvent" and the following variants: Blood Moon Umbreon, Harvest Moon Leafeon, and Blue Moon Flareon. These can be disabled/modified via datapack.
  • Serene Seasons: Adds seasonal spawn/evolution conditions. Integrates Cobblemon Seasons with Serene Seasons (think Deerling forms). Adds seasonal crop fertility for Cobblemon crops. Adds the following variants: Spring Espeon, Summer Glaceon, Fall Sylveon, and Winter Jolteon. These can be disabled/modified via datapack.

Project members






Licensed MIT
Published a year ago
Updated a day ago