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CobblemonExtras 1.4.2 - Cobblemon 1.6.1

  • Updated to Cobblemon 1.6.1
  • Added a new customModels config option, you can now choose the custom model numerical value used, but it is always a piece of Paper still. Defaults are still set from the previous version.
  • Fixed /compsee and /compseeother so they work for servers with more than 30 boxes, surprised no one found that one :sweat_smile:
  • Fixed so that all of the Tokens work now.
  • Removed some debug printed in consoles everytime a pokeball hit the ground.

CobblemonExtras 1.4.1

  • Fixed shiny ball from reverting to default pokeball.
  • Fixed permissions for commands
  • Added custom model support for Tokens, and shiny balls.
    • Shiny Token - minecraft:paper - Custom Model Data 100
    • Nature Token - minecraft:paper - Custom Model Data 101
    • IV Token - minecraft:paper - Custom Model Data 102
    • EV Token - minecraft:paper - Custom Model Data 103
    • Shiny Poke Ball - cobblemon:poke_ball - Custom Model Data 100.

CobblemonExtras 1.4.0

Cobblemon 1.6.0 - 1.21.1

Hello, I'm very excited to introduce an early version of the CobblemonExtras update.

I'd appreciate any amount of testing and feedback and suggestions. Thanks so much for your support :slight_smile:


  • /pokekill no longer kills pokemon that are actively in battle, and will not kill pokemon owned by a player.
  • /comptake renamed to /compdelete.
  • The /compsee & /compseeother menu is much nicer now, after clicking to goto the next BOX of a PC, it doesn't move your mouse
  • PokeShout and Trade Menus will show the pokemon's species name, and their Nickname.


  • Added /pokedelete to delete a pokemon from someones party
  • Added Shiny Balls! Pokeballs that will convert a succesfully captured pokemon to shiny.
  • Added /giveshinyball <player> <amount 1-64> <poke, great, ultra, or master>
  • Added Poke Tokens! One time use tokens that can modify and change a Pokemon by right clicking on a Pokemon of your choosing.
  • Added /givepoketoken <player> shiny <amount 1-64>
  • Added /givepoketoken <player> maxivs <amount 1-64> <HP Atk Def SpAtk SpDef Spd> - Gives the player a token that will set the Pokemon's IVs to 31 for the specified stats. This command can be used with any variation, for example you can make a token with 1-6 Stats in any variation.
  • Added /givepoketoken <player> nature <amount 1-64> <Nature> - Gives the player a one time use token that will convert the Pokemon's nature specified by the token.
  • Added /battlespectate <player> - Spectate a battle for a player of your choosing without having to be nearby

This was a required patch for Forge versions, 1.3.0 likely only worked for Fabric.


  • Updated dependencies to support Cobblemon 1.5.0


  • No longer syncing to Showcase on logout, this fixes a console error that was sometimes thrown in chat when players logged out.
  • Large redesign of the Showcase sync scheduler on the server, expecting to see improved syncing experiences for many servers.
  • Added compression to the data being synced through Showcase, allowing for larger amounts of data, fixes "Entity Too Large" error.
  • Removed /pc command due to a known bug, servers should now use Cobblemon's built in /pc command.



A new 'async' property has been added to your config file. By default this is enabled to true. By disabling this, it forces CobblemonExtras to sync players pokemon on the main thread. This proved to be useful for some servers, but is not suggested because it poses some risk of creating lag on your server.


It has been discoverd that all versions starting at 1.2, the config file was not properly putting default values in when new properties were being added to the config file.

This means certain permissions could be wrong on your server.

Please review your CobblemonExtras config file located at config/cobblemonextras/config.json and check that the permissions are matching the default, or are configured to your liking.

  "permissionlevels": {
    "command.poketrade": 2,
    "command.pokesee": 2,
    "command.pokeseeother": 2,
    "command.pc": 2,
    "command.pokeshout": 2,
    "command.itemshout": 2,
    "command.compsee": 2,
    "command.compseeother": 2,
    "command.pokebattle": 2,
    "command.battle": 2,
    "command.comptake": 2,
    "command.pokeivs": 2,
    "command.emptybox": 2,
    "command.pokeshoutall": 2,
    "command.pokeodds": 3,
    "command.pokekill": 3


No mode update required

Stats have been rolled out to your showcases! Let us know how you like them!

Replace this with a description

v1.2.2 Hotfix

  • Fix /pokeodds setRate to accept numbers higher than 100.
  • Adds support for a Pokemon's type to be synced to Showcase, enabling visual representation for pokemon with custom types.

Showcase Additions

No mod update required.

  • Parties are now displayed on your server listings page
  • Held Items are now displayed on selected Pokemon's summary.
  • Server owners can now toggle to hide movesets from pokemon displayed on their server showcase.

v1.2.1 Hotfix

  • Ensures the showcase service is stopped when a server crashes. This was preventing some servers from auto restarting.

CobblemonExtras v1.2.0

New Commands

  • /pokeshoutall - Put a summary of all your party pokemon in chat.
  • /emptybox <box> - Empty the entire specified box of pokemon in your PC.
  • /showcase - View your PC in the browser.
  • /showcase off - Allows a player to hide their Pokemon from the servers showcase.
  • /showcase on - Re-enables the players Pokemon to be viewed inside the showcase.
  • /pokeodds - View shiny rates for pokemon spawns on the server.
  • /pokeodds setRate <rate> - Set the rate of shiny pokemon.
  • /itemshout - Put a summary of your held item, in chat for others to see.
  • /pokekill - Kill all wild pokemon in the world.


  • /compsee now supporters greater than 30 pc boxes, it will read your Cobblemon config for this value.
  • /pokeshout and /pokeshoutall will show you a IV and EV percentage.
  • Architectury mod is no longer a required dependency!!

Introducing Showcase

View your server's players and their Pokemon from the browser!

Starting now, server owners can optionally setup Showcase. At regularly scheduled intervals, CobblemonExtras will sync your online players data to the the showcase site.

Get started now at https://www.cobblemonextras.com/

Showcase Demo


v1.2.1 Hotfix

  • Ensures the showcase service is stopped when a server crashes. This was preventing some servers from auto restarting.

CobblemonExtras v1.2.0

New Commands

  • /pokeshoutall - Put a summary of all your party pokemon in chat.
  • /emptybox <box> - Empty the entire specified box of pokemon in your PC.
  • /showcase - View your PC in the browser.
  • /showcase off - Allows a player to hide their Pokemon from the servers showcase.
  • /showcase on - Re-enables the players Pokemon to be viewed inside the showcase.
  • /pokeodds - View shiny rates for pokemon spawns on the server.
  • /pokeodds setRate <rate> - Set the rate of shiny pokemon.
  • /itemshout - Put a summary of your held item, in chat for others to see.
  • /pokekill - Kill all wild pokemon in the world.


  • /compsee now supporters greater than 30 pc boxes, it will read your Cobblemon config for this value.
  • /pokeshout and /pokeshoutall will show you a IV and EV percentage.
  • Architectury mod is no longer a required dependency!!

Introducing Showcase

View your server's players and their Pokemon from the browser!

Starting now, server owners can optionally setup Showcase. At regularly scheduled intervals, CobblemonExtras will sync your online players data to the the showcase site.

Get started now at https://www.cobblemonextras.com/

Showcase Demo


CobblemonExtras v1.2.0

New Commands

  • /pokeshoutall - Put a summary of all your party pokemon in chat.
  • /emptybox <box> - Empty the entire specified box of pokemon in your PC.
  • /showcase - View your PC in the browser.
  • /showcase off - Allows a player to hide their Pokemon from the servers showcase.
  • /showcase on - Re-enables the players Pokemon to be viewed inside the showcase.
  • /pokeodds - View shiny rates for pokemon spawns on the server.
  • /pokeodds setRate <rate> - Set the rate of shiny pokemon.
  • /itemshout - Put a summary of your held item, in chat for others to see.
  • /pokekill - Kill all wild pokemon in the world.


  • /compsee now supporters greater than 30 pc boxes, it will read your Cobblemon config for this value.
  • /pokeshout and /pokeshoutall will show you a IV and EV percentage.
  • Architectury mod is no longer a required dependency!!

Introducing Showcase

View your server's players and their Pokemon from the browser!

Starting now, server owners can optionally setup Showcase. At regularly scheduled intervals, CobblemonExtras will sync your online players data to the the showcase site.

Get started now at https://www.cobblemonextras.com/

Showcase Demo


1.0.4 patch b is unique to Forge, there was a mistake in the previous build that this fixes.


Removed aliases for pctake, pcsee, and pcseeother to fix a large bug.


  • /pokeivs - View the IVs of the pokemon you're battling.
    • Permission: cobblemonextras.command.pokeivs


Gif of PokeIVs

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated a month ago