Conditional Keep Inventory

Conditional Keep Inventory


A mod to twist the drop on Player death.

Client or server EquipmentUtility

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Patch to version 1.1.2

Removed pieces of code from the upcoming 2.0 version which messed up the build version

Patch to version 1.1.0


  • Fixed the command's "Whitelist/Blacklist" argument not working (not properly sent to the client when the mod loads on server only)
  • Fixed errors disabling the game to load when the mod didn't find the "config" folder (didn't create it otherwise - now fixed)

Other changes :

  • building improvements
  • package base name changed

Update 1.1.1 for Fabric Mc 1.16 Fixed the command suggestions for the alias (I actually got a workaround in order to make a proper redirect, but didn't apply it correctly)

Literally just the 1.1.0 update, but ported to Mc 1.16

Still Fabric. Forge not planned unless there is enough demand.

Release 1.1.0!

A whole bunch of cool stuff added! Now play with all the dying player's stuff! Now, having such armor or holding such item is also a condition option! And I see you server administrators! I admit, that mod was floody as hell. But I fixed that! Your console will be much cleaner now. You though the file's condition properties' names were disturbing? I also fixed that. And don't panic! I also handled the file versioning! (Aren't I amazing?) And... Stop right there! I see you flooding your config file with all the combinations of conditions you can imagine with the now options! But behold! You can now use lists! (Warning. Lists will be validated if any element is valid, so a whole bunch of possibilities with only two lists)

I got a little bit carried away for that update message, but I hope you like that new content ^^

Official realease 1.0.0!

At least, I hereby present you the 1.0.0 version of this mod! Now twist your drops with dimensions as well! Don't forget to submit me any idea, I might at some point make it a thing!

UPDATE TO Beta 0.3.4 (aka Beta0.3)

Main changes

  • Added last command arguments
  • Made command globally working (can still have bugs)
  • Set some command outputs to be displayed to all OP members

Minor changes

  • customized the JSON parsed to ensure proper lines and spacings
  • renamed the command alias from "cdi" to "cki" ("keep")
  • removed useless methods from a few classes, added some
  • discovered a not-so-dumb way to parse JSON (I'm proud)
  • changed a Mixin invoke method
  • Guess what? The version changed as well


[✓] Player death Mixins altering drop ✓ Check if mod activated ✓ Check if keepInventory (vanilla) is true ✓ Check if death correspond to the wanted list ✓ Check if doVanishingCurse is activated ✓ Apply or not Curse of Vanishing if activated [ ] Usage of config file ✓ Creating config file on read if missing ✓ Creating config file backup and a new one if error on read ✓ Make backup name organised by number ✓ Allow restoring backup from number ✓ Make restoring able to backup actual config file ✓ Reading file on server startup and generate config data ✓ Change config data to save gamerules change before stop ✓ Save config on server stop • Add a "dimension" condition : Config file versioning (add version tag) : Rename "held_item" to "weapon" [ ] Use commands to alter config data ✓ Create the command ✓ Create CDIListArgumentType for command list selection ✓ Create JsonArgumentType for command editing config data ✓ Create command sub-functions: ✓ Use command to toggle auto backup when game starts ✓ Use command to add conditions ✓ Use command to edit conditions ✓ Use command to consult conditions ✓ Use command to remove condition ✓ Use command to toggle condition (t->f;f->t) ✓ Use command to reload config file ✓ Use command to save config file ✓ Use command to backup config file ✓ Use command to list available backups ✓ Use command to restore backup ✓ Add command alias for easier use • Correct the OP broadcast to display as the right user -> might wish to use a "command_called" boolean param [ ] Pure development (post-beta?) • Add documentations to (as much as possible) all classes [ ] And a few tests, as well...

• = working on it ✓ = done : = v1+ [ ] = not finished

UPDATE TO Beta 0.2.6 (aka Beta0.2)

Main changes

  • Made JsonArgumentType
  • Added ListComparator for command list identification
  • Added JSON Parse option to ConfigElem
  • Added config methods to get available ids for the command
  • Added use of command to append to lists

Minor changes

  • edited the gitignore to ignore html files
  • edited
  • edited config file writer (hoped a better JSON String parsing)
  • added folder creating log to the backup method
  • added Fabric API dependence, instead of just crashing the game
  • moved gamerules to the PLAYERS category


[✓] Player death Mixins altering drop ✓ Check if mod activated ✓ Check if keepInventory (vanilla) is true ✓ Check if death correspond to the wanted list ✓ Check if doVanishingCurse is activated ✓ Apply or not Curse of Vanishing if activated [ ] Usage of config file ✓ Creating config file on read if missing ✓ Creating config file backup and a new one if error on read • Make backup name organised by number • Allow restoring backup from number • Make restoring able to backup actual config file ✓ Reading file on server startup and generate config data ✓ Change config data to save gamerules change before stop ✓ Save config on server stop [ ] Use commands to alter config data ✓ Create the command x Create CDIActionArgumentType for first argument (no) ✓ Create CDIListArgumentType for command list selection ✓ Create JsonArgumentType for command editing config data ✓ Use command to add conditions • Implement config more data edition from command ✓ Add command alias for easier use [ ] Pure development (post-beta?) • Add documentations to (as much as possible) all classes [ ] And a few tests, as well...

Drop alteration works, config file properly created if not existent, read properly.

Main functionality works. (I guess that's the objective for the end of the Alpha, isn't it?)

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Licensed MIT
Published 3 years ago
Updated 3 years ago