Configurable Raids

Configurable Raids


Create your own raids with some JSON magic!

Server Game Mechanics MobsUtility

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Custom Raiders of any type should no longer be able to target vexes.

  • Raiders should no longer attack other raiders regardless of entity types. (E.g. Piglins and Wither Skeletons won't fight.)
  • Increased mod compatibility
  • Piglin raiders will no longer zombify in the Overworld.
  • Rewrite of the previous update... (I forgot to push it to github :( )
  • Added support for all Hostile Mobs in raids! They will not attack villagers unless they usually do, however.

KNOWN ISSUE: Raids may get stuck on a wave if the server closes during a wave with participating mobs that do not usually partake in raids.

1.21.1 Support

  • Renamed "rider" to "passenger".
  • Passengers now require a raider object, rather than an entity id.
  • Waves and raiders can now be locked behind difficulties.
  • To avoid copy and pasting identical entries, you may now specify the amount of times a raider object will attempt to spawn a new raider.

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Licensed MIT
Published 9 months ago
Updated 2 months ago