Ever needed some very specific recipe that would be so useful to make a farm for something or just automate it? Or have you encountered issiues with recipes from other Create addons that aren't ported that well into Fabric? (I'm talking about you, Create: Dreams & Desires and Create Deco.) Or just needed a small QoL recipe in a moment of need?
Welp, with Create: Bits n' Bops *you got it all! By using multiple mods, this addon gets you recipes that you'll (probably) need :3 The mod adds useful automation recipes, some QoL recipes for previously unctaftable items and some recipe fixes for other Create mod addons.
With currently 161 recipes, this mod aims not only to fix and add recipes to Create addons but also let you combine create with other mods as well as adding compatibility between other mods.
- Updates are quite often as the mod is constantly developed while being used on a server ran by JustMili
- You can suggest new recipes or point out issues by emailing