Create: Unlock Schematics

Create: Unlock Schematics


Allows unlocking schematic with a command.

Client and server Utility

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This mod is very simple and has a very specific use: it allows modpack makers to hide schematics from the Schematic Table.

Locked schematics should be placed in locked folder inside the schematics folder. The path would look like this: <instance>/schematics/locked/<schematic name>.nbt.

Then, to unlock the schematic you would use the command this mod adds:

/schematic unlock <schematic name>[.nbt]

  • Schematic name can be with .nbt extensions or without.
  • If schematic with same name already exists in the schematics folder, it will not be replaced. Player will receive a message that schematic is already unlocked.
  • Due to the reason above - your locked schematics should have somewhat unique name, to avoid conflicts with user-created schematics.
  • Command requires elevated permission level: cheats enabled, op, server owner, etc...

Knowledgeable folks may have already guessed how this works. Yes, it just copies the file from one folder to another.


Unlocks the schematic on quest completion:

onEvent('ftbquests.completed', event => {
    event.server.runCommandSilent(`execute at ${} as ${} run schematic unlock pillar`)

Create is not required as a dependency. But, obviously, mod is pointless without it.

Feel free to suggest a feature, if you need it for your modpack.

Enjoying the mod? Your support would be greatly appreciated!

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago