This is Lenny, he likes to smile... a lot. Don't get too close to him or he may bite.

This is Anima, a ghastly figure that is quite shy, but will still attack you out of fear.

This is Grum, he has a nice set of pearly white teeth, he's quite small but still can bite your head off :)

This is Gerald. A very tall creature with a set of strange sigil like markings all over it. He has an impressive set of horns but doesn't really use them.

The Watcher
(Inspired by the Dark Watcher Cryptid or Shadow People Cryptid) A shy, peaceful creatures that lurks in the dark, get too close and it disappears just like that.

This is Orion, a large entity that plasters a smile on it's face, it sits down in one place for all it's life not wanting to move, or maybe it cant move?