This mod requires Fabric API.
Mod Description
Ever thought that you should hear a sound for when you crouch in-game, and wanted one? Then you came to the right place!
Crouching Sound is a client-sided Minecraft mod for the Fabric Loader, that plays a dynamic sound when for you crouch in-game, based on the player's conditions (On Ground, in Air, in Lava, in Water, or Submerged in Water). Below, is a table that contains the player's conditions, and what sound will be played, based on that condition upon crouching:
Condition of Player | Sound Played |
On Ground | Generic Gear Equip (minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic) |
In Air | Witch Potion Throw (minecraft:entity.witch.throw) |
In Lava | Lava Hiss (minecraft:block.lava.extinguish) |
In Water | Generic Enity Splash (minecraft:entity.generic.splash) |
In Water (Submerged) | Generic Entity Swiming (minecraft:entity.generic.swim) |
For a reference of this mod, please play the Mod Demonstration Video below.
Mod Demonstration Video
If you want, you can support me by donating with the link on this page.
The Crouching Sound mod doesn't just play the crouching sound at the client (users of this mod), but it also plays it at every other player within render distance, that crouches, which can be an UNFAIR-ADVANTAGE (you could hear someone sneaking near you, for example) for the server that you play on. Please ask the Owner (or an Admin) of the server for permission.