Cryonic Config

Cryonic Config


Chill Minimal Config API


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Cryonic Config

  • Cross-version easy to port config tool with minimal dependencies
  • Specifically targeting ease of use and portability
  • Cryonic because it's cool as hell

Explanation of Functionality

  • This will store jsons in {minecraft_dir}/config as "mod_id.json"
  • All config files will be read by dictionary in "cryonicconfig.json" on early init
  • Configs are only configurable by editing the jsons directly, no plans of GUI config
  • For ease of portability, synced variables are sent directly to a player in chat, and intercepted
  • Hashmaps are used to look up Str to ConfigStorage and Str to Obj (variable)


Groovy (build.gradle) Add Dependency

Add Maven:

repositories {
    maven { url "" }

For only fabric or neoforge, replace ${} with fabric,forge,neoforge

dependencies {
    modImplementation "com.periut.cryonicconfig:cryonicconfig-${}:1.0.0+mc${rootProject.minecraft_version}"


dependencies {
    modImplementation "com.periut.cryonicconfig:cryonicconfig-babric:1.0.0+mcb1.7.3"

Simple Usage:

// You can store or use on the fly, this can be called anywhere
ConfigStorage config = CryonicConfig.getConfig("mod_id");

// You can store ints, doubles, booleans, and strings
// By getting them, you are setting their default value too
// getter format (variable name, default value)
// You cannot reuse variable names! They will be overridden.
config.getInt("varName", 3);
config.getDouble("name", 3.3);
config.getBoolean("var", true);
config.getString("str", "Geronimo!");

// The variable will exist locally on client and server
// If you want a connected server player to use a server config
// You must call, making client use the server's value 
config.sync("varName", playerEntity);

// Feel free to use this format:
CryonicConfig.getConfig("mod_id").getInt("varName", 3);

// You can set variables manually, instead of letting get generate them
// This is also useful for overriding old values
config.setInt("varName", 3);
config.setDouble("name", 3.3);
config.setBoolean("var", true);
config.setString("str", "Geronimo!");

Mark Dependency

In fabric.mod.json:

  "depends": {
    "cryonicconfig": "*"

In mods.toml/neoforge.mods.toml:

modId = "cryonicconfig"
type = "required"
versionRange = "[0,)"

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 3 days ago
Updated 3 days ago