This mod allows for (almost) unlimited world height and depth, by dynamically loading vertical sections of the world, just like Minecraft does in horizontal direction.
Currently Cubic Chunks used with JEID will irrecoverably corrupt your world if you run over certain ID limits!
WARNING: This mod WILL break many other mods in hard to predict ways. Most of the incompatibilities cannot be fixed without changes to other mods.
Versions 1.10.2-0.0.871.0, 1.11.2-0.0.856.0 and 1.12.2-0.0.852.0 contain CubicWorldGen sub-mod. All newer versions need CubicWorldGen installed separately if you want Cubic Chunks world generators.
Update to MC 1.17 snapshots in progress. Don't ask when. It will be released when it's done.
Frequently Asked Questions - Read this before asking questions:
Q: Where can I download older versions?
A: At the time of writing this, CurseForge website has an issue where it doesn't let anyone except the author find the "all files" page when the mod has only alpha releases (there is no link to it anywhere). Here is a direct link to it:
Q: Nothing but stone generates below y=0. HELP!
A: This is normal for compatibility generator (default). This is the cost of good mod compatibility. This is planned to change. Currently you can use CubicWorldGen instead, if you don't mind losing all modded world generation.
Q: When I try to build above y=256 it shows an error message that build height is limited to 256. Why?
A: This is a known bug in cubic chunks that affects newly generated worlds on the forst world load. Save and exit and then load the world again.
Q: Is it compatible with <mod X>?
A: If it's not listed below - you can try it yourself. Chances are, it will work or at least mostly work. But be aware that for some mods you need a lot of testing to confirm that they work correctly. You can also see existing compatibility reports or submit your own here:
Q: Sponge/SpongeForge/Bukkit/Spigot/<insert name of spigot+forge project> support?
A: Not yet. Sponge support is planned in the far future. Bukkit/spigot support while possible and probably less work is currently not planned. The code is open source so if you are a developer, you can submit a PR to make it happen.
Q: Can MCEdit load CubicChunks worlds?
A: No, but a replacement of MCEdit that is planned to be compatible is currently worked on.
Q: Is it compatible with GalactiCraft?
A: Partially. It runs but there are major bugs and stability issues. Including blocks not rendering above certain heights.
Q: Why are blocks invisible above certain height?
A: Most likely caused by GalactiCraft.
Q: Is it compatible with WorldEdit?
A: At the time of writing this, the oficially released WorldEdit version is only partially compatible. It works mostly correctly in height range 0-256. There is also an unreleased branch with basic cubic chunks compatibility available here: . A more compatible build has been made but it's not available from official sources.
Q: Which Forge version do I need?
A: For 1.12.2 use Don't use 1.11.2 and older unless you really know what you are doing.
Q: Is optifine compatible with cubic chunks?
A: Yes, but not all version. Latest version (OptiFine 1.12.2 HD U F5) is currently verified to work. Other versions may work, try at your own risk. You also need to verify that the optifine version you are using is compatible with your forge version.
Q: Is it compatible with ForgeEssentials?
A: Yes
Q: Is it compatible with Open Terrain Generator (OTG) and/or BiomeBundle?
A: Maybe, partially. This is not a very well tested configuration, and involves doing some things manually (including changing cubic chunks configuration). Use at your own risk. It's likely to break.
Q: Is it compatible with Biomes O' Plenty mod?
A: CubicChunks itself should be compatible. CubicWorldGen, while technically can run together with Biomes O' Plenty, it not very useful as they are separate world types that can't be combined together.
Q: I tried to run this mod with Terra121 and it crashed
A: First try to allocate more RAM to Minecraft. This may resolve your issue. How it's done varies with launcher used, and version of the launcher, so will not be explained here.
Q: I installed this mod together with 315 other mods, why does it crash?
A: Cubic chunks is incompatible with one of the other mods you have. Most likely candidates are: VanillaFix, Project Red, Applied Energetics 2, Thaumcraft, SpongeForge, Phosphor (likely coming from Aether 2), JEID, Valkyrien Warfare, FastCraft2 or ViveCraft. There are also less common mods that are incompatible. CubicChunks is also incompatible with older versions of some mods, so make sure you are using up to date versions (a few known cases: JourneyMap, SecurityCraft, ForgeEssentials, BuildCraft).
Q: Help! It crashes! (and none of the above apply to me)
A: You can either report it on github or ask in comments (not recommended). Regardless of where you ask, it's expected that you provide your debug.log file from logs folder or if for any reason you can't do that, at least crash report file or latest.log file.
Q: How about 1.7.10/1.8.x/1.9.x versions?
A: No. (the code is open source, you are free to do it yourself)
Q: How about 1.13.x/1.14.x/1.15.x/1.16.x/1.17.x versions?
A: Latest work in progress versions are developed on 1.17 on fabric at the time of writing this answer. We are planning to support the latest Minecraft version at the time the new version becomes usable. Support for 1.16.x or older is unlikely, but not completely excluded if there is a lot of demand. It's not yet decided whether final 1.17+ versions will be on forge or fabric, and in current situation it's not feasible for this mod to keep maintaining both forge and fabric version (the code can't be shared between the 2 versions, that would most likely require this to be solved: After the initial update past 1.12.2, updates are expected to be much faster, sometimes even within a day of a new Minecraft version being released. If we end up supporting fabric, there is also a possibility of alpha releases for snapshots.
1.13.x forge version is effectively unsupportable due lack of Mixin support on that version of forge, despite being otherwise much easier to update to for cubic chunks than 1.14.x+.
Q: Will Fabric be supported?
A: Maybe. See answer above.
Q: Can I set my own height limit?
A: Latest version for 1.12.2 allows to set default world height range in config. This height range will be used when creating a new world. Any existing world will keep it's height range.
Q: It's stuck on "loading world"
A: How long has it been stuck? If it's more than about 15 minutes, it has probably crashed but didn't close. Report an issue and provide debug.log file. If it's just under a minute, but unusually long, it may just take a while longer to generate the world.
Q: I've seen an AntVenom's video about cubic chunks and farlands. How do I generate them with latest version of CubicChunks?
A: You need to install CubicChunks and CubicWorldGen. After starting Minecraft, close it, and edit configuration file config/cubicworldgen_mixin_config.json
and change
"allow_farlands_worldgen": false
"allow_farlands_worldgen": true
Then create a world with world type CustomCubic
Q: Can I join vanilla servers with this mod?
A: Yes, the mod will disable it's functionality on vanilla servers.
Q: Can I join CubicChunks servers without CubicChunks?
A: The server needs to be specially configured for this to be possible - there is a config option to allow vanilla clients. This will likely break other mods if it's used with them, this is meant to be used only for non-modded connections. There are also possible glitches if you do that.
Mod compatibility
NOT COMPATIBLE WITH MCEDIT, WORLDEDIT, SPONGE or BUKKIT/SPIGOT. NBTExplorer will not be able to edit Cubic Chunks region files.
There are special compatibility tweaks for OptiFine included. Supported optifine versions are:
1.12.2: E2, except CubicChunks 1.12.2-0.0.852, works only with C7-C9, has unfinished support for D1
1.11.2: C7
1.10.2: E7
A plugin for WorldPainter will be available soon.
JEID used with CubicChunks will corrupt your world after running over ID limits of NEID
Other than that, many mods are likely to break in unpredictable way. Use with other mods at your own risk. Report all compatibility issues to Cubic Chunks, NOT to other mods, even if this is incompatibility with new MinecraftForge version. Unofficial community maintained compatibility list can be found on Cubic Chunks wiki pages.
Versions 1.10.2-0.0.871.0, 1.11.2-0.0.856.0 and 1.12.2-0.0.852.0 may be compatible with some additional mods that don't work with newer versions, in case a mod was made to be compatible with this older version.
Creating Cubic Chunks world
To create a Cubic Chunks world for the first time, you need to select "more world options" and enable Cubic Chunks in that menu. This will be remembered for future worlds, and saved in config.
For CubicWorldGen world types, you don't need to enable that option, it will always generate a Cubic Chunks world.
Note: on the first load, your build height may be still limited to 256 blocks. This should fix itself once the world is reloaded. This is a known bug. Servers
For servers you need to set forceCubicChunks option to true in cubicchunks.cfg config file.
Note: don't forget to change max build height in if it's from vanilla.
Cubic Chunks has a discord server that you can join. If you have any issues, you can ask there.