Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.21.1-1.4.5
- Update to latest CM version.
- Update dependencies.
- Fix heat not transferring to cables.
- Fix cables not connecting/disconnecting when config of the machine is changed.
Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.21.1-1.4.4
- Update to latest CM version.
- Update dependencies.
- Prevent creation of chemical component without id or with duplicate id in editor gui.
Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.21.1-1.4.3
- Update to latest CM version.
- Update dependencies.
- Add I/O config in gui editor for chemical and heat components.
- Heat component side config now use Enabled/Disabled instead of Input/Output/None/Both.
- Fix chemical and heat component config not saved when changed.
- Add chinese translation, thanks to SuoYukii.
Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.21.1-1.4.2
- Fix conflict with KubeJS Mekanism
Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.21.1-1.4.1
- Fix heat element builder resetting custom texture when editing heat gui element.
- Update to latest mekanism version, this change everything related to chemicals.
- Now "custommachinery:gas", "custommachinery:slurry"... are all unified under "custommachinery:chemical".
- That goes for machine components, recipe requirements and gui elements.
- For KubeJS the change is from
etc... torequireChemical
- Better parsing of chemicals in KubeJS script, the syntax is now the same as items and fluids :
"500x mekanism:steam"
will give 500mB of steam gas.
Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.21.1-1.4.0
- Initial port to 1.21.1
- Heat and chemical components and gui elements can now be created and edited using the in-game gui.
- Heat gui element now use 2 separate textures (empty and filled) instead of default orange filled bar.
Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.19.2-1.3.4
- Fix chemical components set to mode: both don't display their chemicals in jei recipe.
Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.19.2-1.3.3
- Update to latest Forge, Mekanism, Jei and CM versions
Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.19.2-1.3.2
- Add "unique" property for chemical components.
Components with this property se to true won't accept chemical that already are in another tank of the machine.
Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.19.2-1.3.1
- Add methods in Machine object in CT/KJS integration for manipulating Mekanism's chemicals, heat and radiations. See wiki page about function requirement for more info about the new available methods.
Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.19.2-1.3.0
- Update to 1.19.2
Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.18.2-1.2.0
Additions :
- Add radiation and radiation per tick requirements, bringing compatibility with Mekanism's radiation system.
Both requirements are able to emit or reduce the radiation level near the machine. - Add CT and KubeJS compat for radiation and radiation per tick requirements.
Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.18.2-1.1.1
Additions :
- Add "highlight" property for chemicals and heat gui elements to disable slot highlighting on mouse hover.
Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.18.2-1.1.0
Additions :
- Add support for Mekanism Heat system (component, gui element and requirement).
- Add temperature requirement.
- Dump gui element can now void the content of chemical components and heat component.
- Update for CM 0.8.0
BugFixes :
- Fixed chemicals not showing in the correct tanks in jei (like gases in infusion tanks).
Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.18.2-1.0.1
Additions :
- Finish Kubejs and Crafttweaker integration for chemicals.
Custom Machinery Mekanism 1.18.2-1.0.0
Initial release
Additions :
Support for all Mekanism chemicals
- Gas
- Infusion
- Pigment
- Slurry