Custom Piglin Bartering

Custom Piglin Bartering


Give piglins different items to receive different loot!

Server Game Mechanics MobsUtility

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Custom Piglin Bartering

Minecraft versions environment: server
loader: Fabric available for: Quilt Loader
Requires: Fabric API supports: Mod Menu
license: MIT source on: GitLab issues: GitLab localized: Percentage
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Give piglins different items to receive different loot!

Works server-side and in single player.

Allows data packs to:

  1. define a list of items that piglins are attracted to removed because this is now handled by the base game's piglin_loved item tag
  2. define a list of items that piglins will barter for
  3. map each barterable item to a loot table that represents possible bartering returns

By default, it separates the vanilla barters into 3 tiers mapped to gold nuggets, ingots, and blocks.

Information on creating data packs and other details can be found on the wiki.


localized: Percentage
If you'd like to help translate Custom Piglin Bartering, you can do so on Crowdin.

This mod is only for Fabric (works on Quilt, too!) and I won't be porting it to Forge. The license is MIT, however, so anyone else is free to port it.

I'd appreciate links back to this page if you port or otherwise modify this project, but links aren't required.

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Licensed MIT
Published 4 years ago
Updated 3 months ago