Customize tridents by changing power of riptide flight, choosing where/when you can use riptide or changing duration of trident charging.
Mod can be configured to your liking in config file.
Usually (%appdata% -> .minecraft -> config ->
Choose where/when you can use riptide.
0-vannila; 1-water,rain,lava; 2-everywhere; 3-water; 4-rain; 5-lava; 6-water,lava; 7-rain,lava | default: 0
Choose for how long you need to charge the trident when using riptide.
[min:0, max:30] | default: 10
Choose how strongly you want to be launched after using trident with riptide.
[min:0, max:100] | default: 3
I have an issue / bug / crash / report / request, where can I contact you about it ?
Use my Discord server, you can join it by clicking image on the right.
Can I put this mod into my modpack ?
Yes you can, but without reuploading/redistributing the mod as yours and giving credit where credit is due.
Does this mod support servers ?
Yes it does.
Can players use this mod to grief on servers ?
Absolutely not. This mod is required on server itself to work.