


CubicWorldGen contains a normal and superflat customizable world generators for CubicChunks

Client and server World Generation

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This mod contains 2 customizable world generators for CubicChunks mod:

  • CustomCubic: similar in overall functionality to vanilla customized world type, but organized differently, with better GUI, and without any height limits. World generator options include
    • water level
    • enable/disable caves
    • enable/disable strongholds
    • alternative stronghold position generator, spreads them over spheres around world origin instead of circles of different radius (not in gui!)
    • enable/disable villages, mineshafts, temples, ocean monuments, woodland mansions (generation of these structures not implemented!)
    • enable.disable ravine generation
    • enable/disable dungeon generation, customize amount
    • enable/disable water lakes, customize rarity
    • enable/disable lava lakes, customize rarity (there are some issues with that currently)
    • enable/disable lava oceans
    • select biome for single biome mode, biome size and river size
    • ore customization:
      • option to add/remove ores, and generate any block as an ore (with exception of some tile entities)
      • customization of noise generators, with real time preview of example 2d slice of terrain across different biomes
      • "generator layers" - allows to use different presets for different predefined areas (not in gui!)
      • Customization of "block replacers" - Customize "stone block", dirt depth, ocean block and more (not in gui!)
    • Advanced conditional generation of ores (not in gui!)
    • Lake generation customization
  • FlatCubic: similar in functionality to vanilla superflat, but without height limits.
    • Add/remove layers, set block to generate in layer

For cubic chunks versions 1.10.2-0.0.871.0, 1.11.2-0.0.856.0, 1.12.2-0.0.852.0 and earlier these generators are parts of cubic chunks.

Installation and dependencies:

Download the mod and required dependencies, install MinecraftForge, put the downloaded mods into mods folder.

This mod requires CubicChunks, and to access generator customization GUI - also requires MalisisCore. There is no customization GUI for 1.10.2 version. Preset has to be created on newer version.

Mod compatibility

The custom world generators, with a few exceptions (some biome specific trees), won't be able to use any world generation features added by other mods. All other compatibility issues of CubicChunks still apply.

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 3 years ago
Updated 3 years ago