- Fixed Server Crash on startup
- Fixes for multiple Networking issues (I'm so good ikik)
- Added a Locator item to make it easy to find the Arenas
- Shader for when in Compulsion Effect
- Fixes to the Pyrite Cube
-fixes fixes fixes and ported to 1.21.1 -now when you have the Compulsion Effect your pyrite Weapons are awakened!
- Fixed Pyrite Hoe Enchantments
- More configs with a nerf for Elytra and Spear combo
- Awakened variants for when you fight Old Lord
- Minor Fixes and Added Rarity to some Items
- Removed Fall Damage while fighting Old Lord
More configs and some minor bug fixes
Added : MidnightLib for custom cooldown config (Might add custom config for cube colors :P)
Added: Scythe Entity which rotates that spawns when using Compulsion Scythe to show that the player is launched by something
Translation for key binds
First version