Welcome to the world of Daggers & Deception. In this Mod, as stated in the summary, you can deal with your enemies in more... creative ways. If you have any questions about the Mod please feel free to join the discord down below, and use the QnA feature, or even the suggestions feature from the discord server.
This mod in short is a tools / "foodstuffs" mod in which you can have parties, and poison your guests (...and keep your enemies closer am I right?)... or take a more direct approach with some of the new weapons added such as the Heavy Rapier. This Mod adds a unique aspect / a new take on the poisons of minecraft. Instead of splashing somebody with a splash potion of poison or harming (Boring), you can slip a little something into their drink, and watch them fall. Or as previously stated, take a more direct approach, and coat your rapier(s) with the different poisons you can concoct. Finally, if you are a bit more relaxed and chill than those psychos who used the previous two methods, you can just have a fun party where you can distill some... "Fun Juice"... and recline with your friends.
I am sorry to inform that currently the summary video is not fully edited yet, and some of the aspects of the Mod are basically unobtainable in survival without knowing how to do it. Again I apologize, as I was not able to fully make it by the time this Mod got released. Anyways please enjoy.
-Aquired through rough crafting recipes that use Hematite, and Hematite Amethyst. -Can be applied with 3 different poison doses, and each one has a special attack initiated by right clicking
-A still can be made from a relatively easy crafting recipe, and two distinct recipes in the still can be used to distill wine and/or beer. -Can be drank regularly, which has a 30% chance to give nausea and a new affect "inebriation" for a time.
-Poisons are aquired through long rigorous crafting recipes for each poison. -Here is a list of the different poisons and a sneak peek on what they do.    a. Hemlock -- Does damage if the player sprints or swims (at higher doses)    b. Cyanide -- Sets off a timer at consumption that kills the player if they don't get a cure in time    c. Ricin -- Has a wither-like effect that acts slower, but as the player takes damage, their maximum health                gets set lower and lower    d. Arsenic -- Depending on the doseage, sets the players maximum health on consumption to lower than                  regular, but unlike ricin does not damage the player further.
Dependencies: Dependencies will be automatically downloaded from the app version, however if you are on the Web version and download only the Mod File, there are four dependencies for the Beta release.
- Geckolib
- playerAnimator
- Kleider's Custom Renderer
- Curios API
These are required to play the mod, or else there will be a build fail. On the Alpha release I intend to pare this down to only Curios (maybe not even that) and Kleider's Custom Renderer. So if your game keeps crashing for no reason, make sure you have these dependencies.