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Derelict 2.0.0

This is a beta release! Please backup your world before trying out the mod and report any issues you find!
Have fun :)

New biome - the Spider Caves

  • Spawn commonly in the overworld
  • Contains many spider-made structures, hanging cobwebs, spider molts, eggs and a new stone type - Arachnite
  • Rarely spawns the Spider Mother's Lair structure - a boss arena
  • A little spider structure also spawns above the ground. It contains a map to the Spider Mother's Lair


Some of the spiders (Arachne, Net Caster and Daddy Long Legs) use a custom-made leg system that makes them even creepier!

Jumping Spiders

  • Spawn everywhere normal spiders do, but twice as rarely
  • Leap at the player

Spiny Spiders

  • Spawn in Spider Caves and Crimson Forest
  • Explode when the players get close, covering them in a web

Charming Spiders

  • Spawn in Spider Caves and Warped Forests
  • Cute fellas, may dance if you provide some music
  • Not yet fully implemented behavior-wise

Web Caster

  • Exclusive to the Spider Caves
  • Has more HP, is aggressive, and tries to catch you in its web
  • Sometimes drops a Spider Silk Gland

Daddy Long Legs

  • Creative-only for now

Arachne Boss

  • The Huge Spider Mother


  • Her Egg spawns in the Spider Mother's Lair inside the Spider Caves
  • Punch the Arachne Egg three times to release her
    • You can configure an advancement necessary to break the egg. If set, it'll warn the player that they're too weak if they haven't completed the given advancement.
    • The Egg regenerates an hour after defeating the boss. This can also be tweaked or turned off in the config.


  • Jumps towards her target, exploding on impact
  • Repeatedly punches her front legs into the ground, producing short-ranged, but powerful shockwaves
  • Shoots a sticky web
  • Has a chance to grab her victim in her fangs, poisoning them if they don't free themselves quickly enough
  • Spawns a bunch of spiders from the eggs on her back
  • After certain HP thresholds, Arachne becomes bigger. She summons a small army of spiders, and her attacks get slightly quicker and more powerful


  • A large amount of regular spider drops, some Spider Silk Glands and Spider Pheromone Glands


  • Arachnite stone set
  • Spider Silk. See-through but solid block that functions similar to cobwebs
  • Wall Cobwebs, climbable Spider Silk strands
  • Decorative Spider Molts

Spider Eggs

  • decorative Spider Egg Blocks, Spider Eggs and Spider Egg Clusters
  • functional Spider Eggs. Turn into a given spider monster when a player gets close

Items and Gear

  • Crafting Ingredients: Spider Molt, Spider Pheromone Gland, Spider Silk Gland


  • A pair of leggings that lets you walk on webs and through webs!


  • A spider carcass turned into a weapon. Right-click on Spider Eggs in the world to load them into the weapon, then charge the attack to release a swarm of tiny, short-lived spider-helpers

Spider Silk Bola

  • Throw on a mob to cover them in sticky cobweb, preventing them from moving

Webbed effect

  • When applied, the mob is covered in a sticky cobweb. This level goes down from level 3 -> 1 each time it "ends", and only disappears after level 1
  • When any level is applied, it prevents the mob from moving (except by jumping)
  • Cannot be removed with milk

Derelict 1.1.1

Patch: Fixed crash on startup


Cobwebs with Spiders

  • Removed both variants of Cobwebs with Spiders in favor of the new Spiderling Entity

Flickering Lights

Added flickering and extinguished variants of the following blocks:

  • Ochre Froglight
  • Verdant Froglight
  • Pearlescent Froglight
  • Glowstone
  • Shroomlight
  • End Rod


All changes below apply for all oxidation levels of the waxed and unwaxed Noctisteel blocks.

  • Removed Noctisteel Beam Pile block
  • Changed Nocticteel Beam block to fit better in Minecraft's style
  • Noctisteel Grates are now full blocks
  • Added Noctisteel Trapdoors

Tweaked some Noctisteel textures

Spiderling - new entity

A tiny spider that has a 10% chance (configurable) to spawn from a dying Spider or Cave Spider. They:

  • Are hostile to players,
  • Have 1 heart of health,
  • Can be collected into a bucket, and placed on the ground, or hanging from a ceiling as a decoration,
  • When hanging as a decoration, will not despawn and will be immune to damage


Completely overhauled tiny spider particles to make them even more crawly and creepy!


Added EMI and REI recipe displays for:

  • Waxing blocks with the Waxing Staff
  • Aging blocks with the Aging Staff


  • Fixed broken creative tab background
  • Fixed some lighting issues with Smoldering Embers


  • Added Polish translation by me!


  • Derelict now uses my library, Gimm1q
  • Changed a few block and item IDs, so if you used these, they might be missing from your world after updating
  • Updated the license. Source code is still under MIT, but assets such as textures, models etc. are now All Rights Reserved

Derelict 1.0.1

A few small but necessary bugfixes:

  • Fixed missing drops and recipes
  • Noctisteel, Fancy Cobwebs, Lanterns can now be quickly broken with their respective tools


  • Russian translation, thanks to Tefnya!
  • A few consistency fixes in the English translation
    • rusted -> oxidized,
    • broken -> extinguished

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated 4 months ago