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What is it?

Difusement is a simple mod that adds a method of taking enchantments off enchanted items and moving them to their own books.

How do you use it?

you start by crafting a Difusement Altar and 1 to 8 Obsidian Pedestals. Difusement altars can be crafted asrecipie for altar, from top to bottom of the grid : amythyst, book, amythyst, diamond, gold, diamond, obsidian, lapis block, obsidian

Obsidian Pedestals are crafted with an Obsidian Pillar and an Item Frame.

Obsidian Pillars and other decorative obsidian blocks can be crafted in the stone cutter.

to start difusing, put the pedestals in this formation around the altar, you don't need all 8 but you do need at least one (bookshelves not needed): positions of pedestals relative to the altar : there is a pedestal with 2 air blocks between it and the altar in each direction as well as 4 more pedestals located in a square formation where the corners of the square are locations of pedestals and where the square in question is fit neatly into the borders of the four outer axis aligned pedestals

then throw lapis onto the altar, you can tell how many lapis are curently in the altar by counting the number of lapis floating around the altar, lapis are consumed by the difusion proscess. put books on the pedestals and an enchanted item on the altar, if done correctly after ~4 seconds the altar will separate the enchantments from the item on the altar and place one on each book, if there are more books than enchantments, they will be left alone, if there are more enchantments on the item than there are books on the pedestal, the enchantments that could not be put on books remain on the item on the altar.

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Licensed LGPL-2.1-or-later
Published a year ago
Updated a year ago