1.19.2 backport
- Added 22 foods from Delightful
- Added 5 foods from Pineapple Delight
- Added 9 foods from Ocean's Delight
- Added 8 foods from Alex's Delight
- Added 23 foods from Cultural Delights
- Added 8 foods from Large Meals
- Added 3 foods from Festive Delight
- Fixed texture glitch in bowl foods
- Tweaked texture for mutton wrap
- Added config to disable vanilla item placement
- Added config
- Addition (Vanila)
- plated cookie
- plated pumpkin pie
- mushroom stew
- rabbit stew
- beetroot soup
- Addition (Farmer's Delight)
- plated honey cookie
- plated sweet berry cookie
- Added 8 foods from Corn Delight
- Added 26 foods from Expanded Delight
- Tweaked models for
- Plated bacon sandwich
- Noodle soup
- Mixed salad
- New Interaction with plates
- Click while crouching to place all items at once
- Click with bare hand to take items
- Click while crouching with bare hand to take all items
- Translations
- zh_cn (Thanks, UserRooster)
- ru_ru (Thanks, Korben)