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[Quilt 1.20.1] 0.1.3


Release 0.1.3


  • New API endpoints for gathering video information and pulling video audio; this results in an increased loading time for videos BUT improves stability and reliability (and hopefully will result in less frequent mod updates for solely audio streaming)
  • Audio will now play on user's preferred audio device set in Minecraft options (or on their default audio device if none is specified)
  • Audio system reworked; server now does the audio streaming, then sends chunks of audio data to the clients
  • Audio volume formula adjusted when calculating distance between a player and an audio playing; Audio can be heard up to 25 blocks away from an Advanced Jukebox
  • No longer putting "b" before each build's version number. This is STILL considered a beta build!


  • Fixed brief lag spikes on /disxconfig whitelist and blacklist subcommands
  • Fixed brief lag spikes on /disxsound, /disxgen, and /disxstamp
  • Fixed brief lag spike when waiting for Stamp Maker to produce Record Stamp


  • Advanced Jukebox now checks for video title updates if no video name is on the disc, and if it finds one it applies it
  • Audio length limit installed; limit is 30 minutes, so no playing back ridiculously long audios (i.e. 10 hours)- people pay for these Minecraft servers to run you know!


disx-0.1.3-quilt-1.20.1.jar(59.98 MiB) Primary Download

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Licensed Apache-2.0
Published 7 months ago
Updated a month ago