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Disx 0.2.1


  • Audio now loads into memory to avoid corruption or loss of data on buffering (this may result in slightly longer loading times for long audios)
  • Window added between when a song ends and when the game detects a disc as complete to ensure it doesn't prematurely cut a song off


  • Songs prematurely ending should no longer occur (was due to occasional loss of data from YouTube)
  • Client-side debug mode should now work for the mod

Disx 0.2.0


  • Advanced Jukebox now pauses/plays when hit with a projectile
  • Advanced Jukebox now has volume control; look at it and scroll up/down to adjust volume, maximum boost is 200%
  • Advanced Jukebox now has a redstone comparator output when playing a disc
  • Advanced Jukebox now takes hopper input from the top, outputs to a hopper on the bottom
  • Stamp Maker now accepts hopper input on its 4 sides; outputs with a hopper on the bottom
  • Stamp Maker video id can now also be set by naming a Lacquer Block after the video id via anvil
  • Record Press now accepts hopper input from all 4 sides; outputs to a hopper on the bottom
  • /disxsound now accepts volume and loop arguments


  • Mod system messages now go through a translation layer; multiple language support can now be built via language jsons
  • Debug mode made accessible in regular mod builds
  • CurseForge download discontinued
  • /disxsound can no longer put more than one sound at the same position
  • /disxsound start time argument fixed
  • Default custom disc recipe now appears properly on REI
  • /disxinfo will print straight URLs when ran in the server console


  • Sneaking and clicking on the Stamp Maker now should work even with items in your hands
  • Audio breaking after awhile due to misconfigured code timings (most frequently occurred on Forge version, audio packets were failing to send after awhile)

Disx 0.1.3-patch1


  • Server audio streaming node now writes packet data for each player it sends it to, as opposed to writing it once then sending everyone the same buffer of data (this fixes the bug where one player could hear the audio but not everyone else)
  • Stamp Maker now should render the model properly if facing up or down

Release 0.1.3


  • New API endpoints for gathering video information and pulling video audio; this results in an increased loading time for videos BUT improves stability and reliability (and hopefully will result in less frequent mod updates for solely audio streaming)
  • Audio will now play on user's preferred audio device set in Minecraft options (or on their default audio device if none is specified)
  • Audio system reworked; server now does the audio streaming, then sends chunks of audio data to the clients
  • Audio volume formula adjusted when calculating distance between a player and an audio playing; Audio can be heard up to 25 blocks away from an Advanced Jukebox
  • No longer putting "b" before each build's version number. This is STILL considered a beta build!


  • Fixed brief lag spikes on /disxconfig whitelist and blacklist subcommands
  • Fixed brief lag spikes on /disxsound, /disxgen, and /disxstamp
  • Fixed brief lag spike when waiting for Stamp Maker to produce Record Stamp


  • Advanced Jukebox now checks for video title updates if no video name is on the disc, and if it finds one it applies it
  • Audio length limit installed; limit is 30 minutes, so no playing back ridiculously long audios (i.e. 10 hours)- people pay for these Minecraft servers to run you know!

Patch Notes b0.1.2-patch1:

Bug Fixes!


  • Stamp Maker entity renderer fixed; Lacquer Blocks will properly disappear when a stamp is made
  • Patched brief lag spike on the client when inserting a disc
  • Implemented “loading video” message to replace disc item cooldown when waiting for playback to start
  • Added Potential Mod Conflict checking; if you have a mod that is known to possibly impact Disx’s performance, it will notify you in server logs or in chat if in a singleplayer world
  • Added Lacquer Block → Lacquer Drop recipe
  • Patched NoSuchElementException when taking a disc out of the jukebox; packet was called twice due to mistake in code
  • Improved Advanced Jukebox loop function; delay between loops minimized
  • Fixed audio playback streaming loop to properly cease when playback stopped

Patch Notes b0.1.2:

Amends made!


  • Removed YouTube-Source library
  • Created Disx YouTube Source API
  • Marked unused code for deprecation in future update
  • Created logger wrapper class for easier debugging of mod during development


  • Implemented new API into audio backend; playback fixed
  • Improved audio player garbage collection when in singleplayer; will now properly deregister audio player instances from both client and server when a track ends in singleplayer
  • Disabled unused packet send and receive; marked for deprecation
  • Patched bug where mod server-side config files wouldn’t generate if config folder was not already generated

Project members





Licensed Apache-2.0
Published 7 months ago
Updated a month ago