


Configurably removes the Ender Dragon from the game

Server Game MechanicsManagement MobsUtility

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Simple and configurable mod to remove the Ender Dragon from the game. Includes 4 game rules:

  • disableDragonSpawning: Disables the dragon from spawning altogether, whether when The End is first loaded or when respawned. Defaults to true.
  • disableDragonRespawning: Disables the ability to respawn the Ender Dragon with 4 end crystals. The dragon will still spawn initially. Defaults to true.
  • disableDragonEggTeleporation: Disables the ability to interact with the Dragon Egg to force it to teleport, effectively making it unbreakable. Defaults to true. Additionally, the Dragon Egg's hardness and blast resistance are set to that of bedrock, making them entirely indestructible.
  • respawnDragonEgg: Respawns the dragon egg every time the dragon is killed, not just the first time. This makes it renewable. Defaults to true (though since disableDragonRespawning is also set to true this cannot really be reflected in game). It's recommended if this is set to true to set disableDragonEggTeleportation to false unless you want an really tall pillar of unbreakable dragon eggs.

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago