The tower has been changed
New floors of the tower have been added, they are generated when they are completed
New particles have been added
New subspecies of steps walls and fences have been added
New types of boards have been added
Added new and old Monstera,Big monstera plants
The behavior of the Iron Golem artifact has been changed
Added event portals
The mechanics of corals have been changed
Added dead corals
Added new trophy Necromancer Head,Nameless Head,Head of all kinds of skeletons
Added variations of mobs' sounds (previously, only one was produced for each behavior)
Added Snareling web trap
Tower doors added
Added icons for Nameless Candle,Gold Candle,Nature Candle blocks
New flowers have been added
The Content informator menu has received a new tab (Underground locations) Not available
Now you can find out the coordinates of the underground biome on the table with the map is not available
Fixed particles of fire, smoke and others
The renderings of some blocks have been changed
Fixed hitboxes for blocks
Added new wind particles for the block