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The Dyed Void


Adds blocks that are a pure, single color with no shading.

Red, green, and white void blocks

See gallery for a few build examples utilizing void blocks.

Items & Recipes

Void Bottle

A crafting ingredient for void blocks. To obtain, use (right click) a glass bottle on the void at the bottom of the world. In vanilla, this is only accessible in the end dimension.

Collecting bottles of void

Void Block

The base void block. It is black.

Four void bottles crafts four void blocks

Luminous Void Block

A white version of a void block.

8 Void Blocks and a glow ink sac crafts 8 Luminous Void Blocks

Other Colors

The Luminous Void Block can be dyed any color besides white and black.

8 Luminous Void Blocks and a dye crafts 8 void blocks of that color

End Void Block

A void block which has the appearance of the end portal. To obtain, throw a Void Block through the end portal or end gateway.

Throwing void blocks into the end portal

Note: May cause more client-side and slightly more server-side lag than other void blocks.

  • EMI: World Interaction recipe for the end void
  • Create:
    • Since the void block dyeing recipes are shapeless, you can craft them with a mixer
    • Void bottles can be automated with a deployer
  • Since they are made of void, void blocks and void bottles behave weirdly and have no gravity.
  • You can consume void bottles, but it is not recommended. It decreases your air and food and gives you levitation.
  • Also contains a datapack for a dimension that is pure white. To enable it, add the dyedvoid:whitespace data pack in the world creation menu. By default it is only accessible by commands such as /execute in dyedvoid:whitespace run tp @s 0 60 0.

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Licensed MIT
Published 3 months ago
Updated 3 months ago