- Fixed crash with sapling loot & with DTTFC addon [Max Hyper]
- Update bug_report.md [Max Hyper]
- Soil block now decays immedately when felling tree
- Added woodland staff tooltips
- Fixed potted sapling model
- Fixed crash in servers
- fixed crash with palm leaves [Max Hyper]
- fixed crash with bonsaipot with modernfix [Max Hyper]
Initial 1.21.1 Port
- further optimzation of leaves (BFS instead of DFS) [Max Hyper]
- Merge branch 'feature/1.20.1/leaves_optimization' into release/1.20.1 [Max Hyper]
- Fixed passable leaves not slowing down fall [Max Hyper]
- added recursion bounds to leaves updating [Max Hyper]
- Fixed trees failing to generate [Max Hyper]
- version change [Max Hyper]
- Merge branch '1.20.1-temp' into feature/1.20.1/leaves_optimization [Max Hyper]
- fixed shroomlights messing up nether fungi [Max Hyper]
- Massive overhaul of leaves block aging system [Max Hyper]
- Fixed crash with groundFinder [Max Hyper]
- cleanup [Max Hyper]
- Added BonemealableBlock to branch and root [Max Hyper]
- Improved interaction with passable leaves [Max Hyper]
- reverted change that broke worldgen splicing [Max Hyper]
- Fixed falling branch sounds hearable from too far [Max Hyper]
- Fixed purple particles when falling on thick trunk [Max Hyper]
- deleted stale issues workflow [Max Hyper]
- added recursion bounds to leaves updating [Max Hyper]
- Fixed saplings dropping when setting was set to false [Max Hyper]
- Added global tree hardness multiplier to config [Max Hyper]
- Fixed tree sounds being heard from too far away [Max Hyper]
- Fixed crash with latest SereneSeasons version [Max Hyper]
- Fixed trees failing to generate [Max Hyper]
- Revert "Reworked biome list deserialisers" [Max Hyper]
- possible fix for threading crash [Max Hyper]
- Fixed fire not burning trees properly [Max Hyper]
- Added particles when trees hit the ground [Max Hyper]
- fixes and cleanup of mangrove root stuff [Max Hyper]
- Added property to prevent sapling replacement [Max Hyper]
- added tint index properties to soils [Max Hyper]
- fixed voxelshape array serializer [Max Hyper]
- Reworked biome list deserialisers [Max Hyper]
- updated version [Max Hyper]
- Fixed concurrentmodificationexception with resourceloading [Max Hyper]
- Prevented crash when resourceloading fails [Max Hyper]
- Fixed an incompatibility with C2ME [Max Hyper]
- Fixed error message when patchouli is not loaded [Max Hyper]
- Fixed beenests dropping without silktouch [Max Hyper]
- Fixed mangrove roots occlusion [Max Hyper]
- fixed leaves of the wrong type growing over others [Max Hyper]
- Update issue templates [Max Hyper]
- cleaned up getStateForDecayFunction [Max Hyper]
- improvements to mangrove roots [Max Hyper]
- Fixed root state generators [Max Hyper]
- improvements to mangrove roots [Max Hyper]
- Fixed root state generators [Max Hyper]
- fixed warped cap model [Max Hyper]
- Added patchouli book recipe [Massimo Cantú]
- Changed biochar base to use thick potion instead [Massimo Cantú]
- Merge pull request #877 from EagleEyeLogic/release/1.19.2 [Max Hyper]
- Made dendro brewing code more efficient [Massimo Cantú]
- Patch in dendro potion brewing [EagleEyeLogic]
- Allowed all leaves to handle particles [Max Hyper]
- Prevented color handler registration from crashing [Massimo Cantú]
- fixed branch sound type & family sticks [Max Hyper]
- moved tag generators to their respective classes [Max Hyper]
- Fixed optional tags not registering correctly [Max Hyper]
- Added patchouli book recipe [Max Hyper]
- Changed biochar base to use thick potion instead [Max Hyper]
- Fixed biochar base potion accepting any item as input. [EagleEyeLogic & Max Hyper]
- added optional tag generation. When generating data of mod dependent parts, the tags will have "required" set to false. [Nyfaria DragonMoose]
- added lang to datagen helper. This allows addons to automatically generate the English lang file. [Nyfaria DragonMoose]
- Allowed mangroves to generate on deeper water [Massimo Cantú]
- fixed seasonal manager forcing NormalSeasonManager [Massimo Cantú]
- new beenest rarity tags +bees in cherry & mangrove [Massimo Cantú]
- fixed server crash with new palm model loaders [Massimo Cantú]