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🪤 Easy Mob Farm 🐾

Easy Mob Farm Versions

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Easy Mob Farm is a streamlined, server-friendly mod that allows players to capture and farm mobs for their loot. With customizable loot tables, experience collection, and automation, the Easy Mob Farm is perfect for those looking to simplify resource gathering while adding fun gameplay mechanics.

⚠️ IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Version 8.x Compatibility Notice ⚠️

🚨 Warning: Easy Mob Farm version 8.x introduces significant changes and is NOT backward-compatible with previous versions. ⚠️

If you are upgrading from an older version, please be aware:

  • 🛑 Existing setups may break and require reconfiguration.
  • 🔄 Data, items, and settings from previous versions might not work as expected.
  • 💾 Back up your world or test on a separate instance before using 8.x in your main game!

By proceeding with version 8.x, you acknowledge that older versions cannot be migrated automatically. Make sure to read all release notes carefully to avoid any issues. Happy farming! 🌾

Introduction & Overview Video (English)

Features ✨

  • Capture Cards 📇: Specialized cards to capture mobs easily.
  • Mob Catcher 🕸️: A device designed to capture mobs for your farm.
  • Mob Farm 🏭: Automatically harvest loot from captured mobs.
  • Custom Loot Tables 📜: Supports adding your own loot configurations.
  • Experience Collection ⭐: Gain experience automatically from farmed mobs.
  • Tiered Mob Farms 📈: Upgrade your mob farms to increase efficiency and loot output.

Mob Capture Cards 📇

Mob Capture Card

Mob Capture Cards allow you to catch different types of mobs and use them within the Mob Farm. Each card displays information about the captured mob, including its type, attributes, and rarity level.

  • Card Types: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Epic.
  • Color-Coding: Each rarity level is color-coded for easy identification.

Learn more about capture cards on the MobCaptureCard wiki page.

Mob Catcher 🕸️

Mob Catcher

The Mob Catcher is a special item that enables you to safely and efficiently capture mobs. Once captured, mobs can be stored in Mob Capture Cards, ready to be processed in the Mob Farm.

  • Simple to Use: Just aim and catch!
  • Reusable: Capture mobs without consuming the item.

More details on the MobCatcher wiki page.

Mob Farm 🏭

Mob Farm

The heart of the Easy Mob Farm mod, the Mob Farm, processes captured mobs to produce loot automatically. With tiered upgrades, you can increase the farm's output, adjust loot types, and more.

  • Automation: Automatically harvest loot from captured mobs.
  • Upgradable: Unlock additional features and improve output with tiered upgrades.
  • Visual Customization: Each tier has a unique visual appearance.

Check out more about the Mob Farm on the MobFarm wiki page.

Installation and Compatibility ⚙️

This mod is available for Fabric, Forge, and NeoForge, compatible with multiple Minecraft versions and other mods.

License ⚖️

The MIT LICENSE applies only to the code in this repository. Images, models and other assets are explicitly excluded.

More Information ℹ️

Please check the wiki for additional information.

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published a year ago
Updated 4 days ago