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This mod aims to provide an alternative weapon progression tier for mid-late game by adding equipment with unique effects to diversify one's gameplay experience.

My objective when developing this mod was to give players more options on how to handle status effects, such as a way to more reliably rid yourself of poison or one to remove invisibility from a spider in order to see it better during combat, while not getting too much in the way of vanilla's own progression, mainly by making the weapons added unenchantable and giving them lower DPS than netherite tools... mostly.

If you are looking for a small mod to make combat slightly more strategic without intruding too much into vanilla gameplay, I suggest you give this one a try.

The original description for version 1.0 and the past patchnotes are available in the end of this description.


Smithing templates

  • Iron upgrade: crafted with one iron ingot and four iron nuggets. Mainly used as a crafting ingredient for the other templates, but can also upgrade stone tools to iron tools when combined with an iron nugget on a smithing table.

  • Weapons specific upgrades: each weapon has its respective smithing template used to craft it, each with its own recipe. To craft a weapon, a prerequisite item and a bottle o' enchanting are required.


  • New iron weapons: the iron lance and iron dagger have been added as prerequisite items, but still function as weapons. Their recipes are both in a diagonal configuration, with the iron dagger's requiring one stick and an iron ingot while the iron lance's requiring one extra stick than the dagger's. The iron lance grants its wielder 1 extra attack range, while the iron dagger grants its wielder extra safe fall distance and sneaking and attack speed at the cost of 1 attack range. Both their damage per second is inferior to that of the iron sword and they still suffer durability damage, unlike the other items added in this mod.

  • Spiraling Sword: with damage slightly higher than its prerequisite, the iron sword, this weapon charges up a little with every mob a player hits, gaining the damage dealt as charge. Once its charge has reached its max value, 200, all of the user's status effects are extended by 50% of their current duration (for a maximum of five minutes) or to a minimum of one minute. Its durability bar indicates its current charge.

  • Rogue Dagger: keeps the same attributes as its prerequisite, the iron dagger, but slightly outdamaging it. When attacking a mob, the user steals all of their status effects. If attacking from the side and sneaking or from behind a mob, steal only their positive effects instead. Its cooldown is 75% of the duration of the stolen effect with the longest duration.

  • Blessed Lance: also keeps the extra range of its prerequisite, the iron lance. By using and releasing it (defaulted to right clicking), its user can clear all of a targeted mob's or their own (if not used on a mob) negative status effects. Its cooldown is 75% of the duration of the neutralized effect with the longest duration. It also deals extra damage to undead foes.

  • Dekaja Tome: the only weapon that has a non-weapon prerequisite: a book. It also does not deal damage. By charging it like a bow, its user may fire a projectile that travels in a straight line, unaffected by gravity, with its velocity determined by how long the tome was charged. When in proximity to a mob other than its user or when colliding with a solid block, the projectile creates a cloud that nullifies all positive status effects of those who enter it, except its own user. It has a cooldown equal to 75% of the duration of the neutralized effect with the longest duration.

  • Pact Axe: a powerful weapon upgraded from the iron axe. Boasts a higher attack damage speed than its prerequisite and rewards its user with extra experience orbs when killing a mob. Has a chance to backfire, delivering the damage that would be dealt to its victim back at its user (while ignoring armor and enchantments). If any positive status effects are active on user, the recoil damage will be halved, but a random positive effect will be removed from them. Its durability bar indicates weather or not the last attack caused recoil damage (though usually, you are gonna feel it).

  • Double Bow: a sidegrade of the popular bow. Its minimum charge time is greater the a regular bow's, but it shoots arrows with their velocity doubled. It may only shoot regular arrows, and the arrows shot deal fixed damage equal to 3 + the user's attack attribute. By charging it for twice the max charge of a bow, the user can spend 25% of their health or their strength status effect, if present, to shoot a critical damage arrow that deals even greater damage (damage elevated to the power of 1.5). If a strength effect is spent, the arrow gains extra damage equal to two times the strength level.

  • Close and Distant Shields: two new sidegrades to the shield item. The Close Shield can only block melee attacks from mobs, while the Distant Shield can only block projectile attacks from mobs. Neither of them can block damage not from mobs (such as TNT), but they do not take durability damage and allow their users to walk and even run at normal speed when using it to block attacks. Their smithing templates have also been added;


  • Lapis Circlet: the only armor item added in this mod and very expensive compared to vanilla armor. Grants better protection than iron by giving its user 1 toughness, but grants less armor points than a diamond helmet. When worn or held in either hand, if the user does not have a positive status effect with less than or equal to 10 seconds of duration active and no amplifier, grants them a random positive effect with no amplifier for 10 seconds. Right clicking it in your inventory toggles between it being worn on the player's head and ankle.


  • Attuning Table: crafted with a crafting table, 4 iron ingots and 4 iron nuggets. Used to customize some of the added weapons with passive and meter abilities. Passive abilities grant its user attribute modifiers such as stepping height or luck. Meter abilities have different uses such as giving the user a defensive effect or letting them lunge forward, negating some fall damage. Customization currently has no cost of resources;

(click here to check the customizations)

Effect and potion

  • Fire Guard: a new effect meant to be a weaker but easier to obtain version of Fire Resistance. Reduces fire damage taken by affected entities by 40% and cuts burning time in half.

  • Fire Guard Potion: Can be brewed with Crushed Netherrack and a Mundane Potion (the one made with redstone);

  • Elevated: can only be obtained by the Blessed Lance's Elevated meter ability at the moment. Increases user's damage dealt by 50% and the user's movement speed by 65% and reduces damage taken by user by 20%, but user takes 10% of their max health as recoil damage after every one of their attacks, successful or not;

  • Counter: reflects all melee damage caused by entities back to them and grants its user +3 knockback resistance;

  • Remote Counter: reflects all projectile damage caused by entities back to them and grants its user +3 knockback resistance;

  • Isolated: prevents all other effects from being applied to the affected entity;

  • Crushed Netherrack: obtained from putting one block of netherrack alone in a crafting grid. One netherrack block yields 3 Crushed Netherrack;

Changes to vanilla

  • Witches can now drop experience bottles when killed by a player;

Lastest version's changes (1.5.0):


  • Added a new meter attuned customization for the Dekaja Tome: Gravity. You can check the new ability in the link under the Attuning Table's description or in-game at an Attuning Table;

Other Changes

  • Added custom combos for most weapons when Better Combat is installed;

  • Added new particles for the Blessed Lance's cleansing and the Pact Axe's Resonance;

  • Changed the Pact Axe's texture to a double sided axe for it to look a little more intimidating and fixed its summary and description to match its updated mechanics;

  • Gave the Dekaja Tome's area of effect cloud a proper model with an animated texture that changes color when the cloud has the frigid attribute. The cloud still emits particles, though in a lower frequency. The tome's projectile still has no model, but will emit different particles when it has the frigid attribute;

  • Toolitps now only show the weapon summary when Ctrl is held and the description when both Ctrl and Shift are held;

Final notes


The custom combos are here! They are not anything overwhelmingly amazing, but they were fun to make (you should try it, it's like playing with json legos)! I also made some new particles just so I don't use Minecraft original particles only and gave the area of effect cleansing entity a model (a flat plane with an animated texture).

Anyways, this is most of what I wanted to do with the mod, the only other updates that I want to make to it on the future are related to presentation (sound effects, more original particles, models for some entities).

Thank you for your support! If you have any interest in giving suggestions, shoot me a message in Bluesky and I'll probably add it if it fits the mod's theme.

I want to mess around with world generation, so expect my next project to be related to that (it will probably take a lot of time, just like the 1.6.0 update, because I'm busy with uni).

(click here to check the old description)

Thank you for reading.

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 7 months ago
Updated 5 months ago