Elemental Creepers StationAPI

Elemental Creepers StationAPI


Station API Elemental Creepers Port

Client and server Mobs

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Elemental Creepers

This version is for b1.7.3, Station API, and the Babric (fabric for beta) toolchain.

Config and Features (Installation Instructions at the Bottom)

Added Config Using GlassConfigAPI

  • Modify spawn rate of each creeper type
  • Modify explosion radius/intensity of each creeper type
  • Modify if creeper types spawn everywhere or only in their specific biomes
    • To see which creepers spawn where when enabled scroll down to the bottom of the page

Added Creeper Types

  • CookieCreeper - explodes into cookies
  • EarthCreeper - explodes into dirt
  • ElectricCreeper - explodes into lightning
  • FireCreeper - explodes into fire
  • GhostCreeper - explodes damaging nearby entities
  • IceCreeper - explodes into snow/freezing nearby water
  • MagmaCreeper - explodes into lava
  • PsychicCreeper - explodes launching nearby entities into the air
  • WaterCreeper - explodes into water

Original Showcase Videos

Installation using Prism Launcher

  1. Download an instance of Babric for Prism Launcher: https://github.com/babric/prism-instance
  2. Install Java 17 and set the instance to use it: https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases/
  3. Add GlassConfigAPI 3.0.2+ to the mod folder for the instance: https://modrinth.com/mod/glass-config-api
  4. Add Glass Networking to the mod folder for the instance: https://modrinth.com/mod/glass-networking
  5. Add StationAPI to the mod folder for the instance: https://modrinth.com/mod/stationapi
  6. (Optional) Add Mod Menu to the mod folder for the instance: https://modrinth.com/mod/modmenu-beta
  7. Add this mod to the mod folder for the instance: https://github.com/matthewperiut/elementalcreepers-fabric-b1.7.3/releases
  8. Run and enjoy! 👍

Creeper Biomes (if config for biome specific spawning is enabled)

  • Electric Creeper - Shrubland and Sky
  • Psychic Creeper - Forest, Seasonal Forest, Rainforest, Taiga, and Sky
  • Ice Creeper - Ice Desert, Tundra, Taiga, and Seasonal Forest
  • Ghost Creeper - Ice Desert (and they have a chance to spawn when other creepers die)
  • Water Creeper - Swampland and Rainforest
  • Cookie Creeper - Savanna
  • Earth Creeper - Plains and Tundra
  • Fire Creeper - Desert and Nether (Hell)
  • Magma Creepr - Nether (Hell)

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Licensed MIT
Published 9 days ago
Updated 12 days ago