Elytra Aeronautics

Elytra Aeronautics


Fly faster the higher you fly! You can also add unlimited amount of cloud layers!

Client and server Game MechanicsTransportationUtility

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  • Players won't load or generate chunks now if they fly above a certain speed or altitude.
    • These thresholds can be configured, and even used independently from the other.
    • This feature can be compleately disabled if desired.
  • Made improvements to the configuration command, it now properly suggests arguments when using it on dedicated servers.
  • Greately improved the help texts for each setting of the configuration command, they are now brief, tell their possible options and their default value.
  • Made improvements to how flight configuration updates for all players on a server after it is configured, now it updates right after the config command is executed (previously it updated when someone began to fly).

You can now configure Elytra Aeronautics in multiplayer too!


  • Elytra flight configuration via the '/ean' command now works on multiplayer, both LAN and dedicated servers.
  • You require operator permission levels to config flight settings on dedicated servers.
  • Cloud configuration can also be changed in multiplayer now, although cloud rendering is a client-side feature so each player will have their own clouds the way they configured them.


  • Fixed the RAINBOW cloud preset not displaying the first cloud layer with the color red.
  • Firework rockets no longer reset your speed to vanilla flight speed, they now propel you to the maximum flight speed of your current altitude, gaining altitude is faster and smoother now.

  • Added new cloud layer settings:

    • Horizontal render distance

    • Color

    • Opacity

    • Speed

    • Disable/Enable shading (for a solid color effect)

    • Disable/Enable weather effects (for a emmisive lighting effect)

  • Added a new '/ean' command to configure everything in the mod for now. ClothConfig is no longer supported, a more suitable config lib for the mod's needs is being actively searched for.

  • Made config files into JSON format, now they are very easy to manually read and setup.

  • Made it so you can now disable Elytra Aeronautics' cloud rendering.

  • The mod's license has been updated, this new license applies to all future versions of the mod.

Fixed bugs:

  • Pitch realignment is no longer disabled too if altitude-dependant speed is disabled.

  • The mod should present less compatibility issues overall.

Known issue: There is a minor rendering bug with fancy clouds at times, this will be fixed in the next minor patch.

  • Made some changes to the mod so other mods can modify it.
  • Cloud configuration may not work as intended for the time being; default cloud configuration works fine.
  • Clouds can still be configured independently in order to circumvent the issues, sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Updated to minecraft 1.19.3
  • Cloud configuration may not work as intended for the time being; default cloud configuration works fine.
  • Clouds can still be configured independently in order to circumvent the issues, sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Updated to minecraft 1.19.2
  • Cloud configuration may not work as intended for the time being; default cloud configuration works fine.
  • Clouds can still be configured independently in order to circumvent the issues, sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Updated to minecraft 1.19.1
  • Cloud configuration may not work as intended for the time being; default cloud configuration works fine.
  • Clouds can still be configured independently in order to circumvent the issues, sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Updated to minecraft 1.19
  • Cloud configuration may not work as intended for the time being; default cloud configuration works fine.
  • Clouds can still be configured independently in order to circumvent the issues, sorry for the inconvenience.


  • You can now sneak while flying to align to a desired flight pitch.
  • You can now tweak min and max speed in meters (blocks) per second, instead of having to modify a fuzzy constant.
  • You can now deactivate additional flight speed by altitude.
  • You can now modify your constant flight speed by setting the desired value in the minimal speed field and deactivate height-dependant flight speed.
  • You can now set a lower flight speed than vanilla flight speed.
  • Revamped flight speed algorithm, it now uses modified versions of the vanilla calculations instead of a modified version of the calculations' output.
  • It should be harder to harness infinite height now.
  • The speed curve has been simplified, middle point removed.
  • The speed curve now follows a linear progression, instead of exponential.

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Licensed CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Published 2 years ago
Updated a year ago