Open enchanted books like written books to read their description and lore.
Works client-side, server-side and in single player.
It needn't be installed on both client and server.
tinytransfem has also created a Forge port.
With this mod you'll be able to open and read enchanted books.
For each enchantment in the book, there will be some lore and a description of how the enchantment works.
Mod integrations
Enchantments Encore adds Enchantment Lore descriptions for its enchantments as of version 2.4.
Enchantment Lore version 1.2.4+ adds descriptions for enchantments from:
These are from More Enchantment Descriptions (for Enchantment Lore) by TeaJ4y. The resource pack can still add these descriptions to older versions of the mod.
Lore and description entries can be added or changed using resource packs, learn how on
the wiki.
I've made a few very basic ones that can be found
If you create and publish a resource pack that adds or modifies enchantment descriptions, feel free to message me and I'll add a link to it here.
Mod showcase by Boodlyneck: starts at 2:09
Install SSS Translate to automatically download new translations (client-side only).
You can help translate Enchantment Lore on Crowdin.
sailKite for contributing the built-in lore entries!
thecatcore, Patbox, and all the contributors to Server-Translations, which makes the server-side functionality of Enchantment Lore possible!
This mod is only for Fabric (works on Quilt, too!) and I won't be porting it to Forge. The license is MIT,
however, so anyone else is free to port it. and tinytransfem has
ported it to Forge!
I'd appreciate links back to this page if you port or otherwise modify this project, but links aren't required.