This is a continuation support for 1.12 version of original mod EnderStorage
Originally this mod adds linked chests and fluid tanks. So you can store and transfer stuff.
Use dye to color code your chests and diamonds to make chest or tank private.
Requires library (not listed here)
Changes so far:
Config option to restrict chests and tanks per dimension. So the same colored chests in different dimensions will have separate storage.
Username (fakeusername) fix. Avoid access to storage if user changed his real name
Mekanism gasses support (enabled by default, check config)
Config options for tank capacity and tank output rate
Botania Mana support (enabled by default, check config). Mana can be automatically pushed from tank to Mana Pool or Spreader.
Ender chest push mode
Ender tank fluid item capability (you can use ender tank as fluid source in inventory slot)