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  • Potion of the Blind Guardian II: now gives Blindness instead of Darkness;
  • Golden Delight: decreased saturation down to 1.1;
  • Sweet Berry Jam: increased saturation up to 0.2;
  • Honey Pancake: increased saturation up to 0.3;
    • Regeneration improved;
    • Now cures Poison;
  • Table Saw: Added recipes:
    • Bamboo Planks -> Bamboo Mosaic, Bamboo Mosaic Stairs or 2 Bamboo Mosaic Slabs;
    • Bamboo Slab -> Bamboo Mosaic Slab;
    • Bamboo Stairs -> Bamboo Mosaic Stairs.


  • Localization changes;


  • Updated c:books tag;
  • Updated c:foods tag;

Bug Fixes

  • Pumpkin Pie and Cookies are now compostable, like their vanilla counterparts;
  • One of Desert Ruins variants didn't have a proper chest loot table attached.

Known Bugs

  • Sometimes Cold Ruins generate partially underwater;
  • Cookies cannot be fed to Parrots.

Thanks Maple! If you have any bug reports or suggestions, feel free to send them to me on Twitter or share them in the Enhancer Mod's Discord server!



  • All Structures were updated to merge with the surroundings better;
  • Badlands Outpost generates more frequently;
  • Cold Ruins now have barrels instead of chests, and have a chance for a second barrel;
  • Desert Ruins have a chance for a second chest;
  • All Stellas were updated to be bigger, better, or both. Added a rare 'Monolith' Stella to the template.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed some chests not generating loot properly;
  • Fixed incorrect Stella templates: some variants weren't generating at all.

Known Bugs:

  • Sometimes Cold Ruins generate partially submerged underwater.


Alt text

  • Renamed to 'Table Saw';
  • In addition to its old functions, now also works on every type of Planks, Wood and Logs;
    • Planks -> 2 Slabs or 1 Stairs;
    • Wood -> Log;
    • Log -> Stripped Log;
    • Bamboo Block -> 9 Bamboo;
  • Now requires Reinforced Stone to craft;
  • Updated texture to match the recipe.


  • Paper Wall texture was updated;
  • Rails and Chains can now be smelted into Iron Nuggets in the Enhanced Blast Furnace;
  • Localization changes.

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Badlands Outpost

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A jigsaw-based structure for the Badlands biome. Has lots of chests with unique loot tables: gold, mining equipment, explosives, and more! Has 17 unique pieces, including Roads, Buildings and Wells to ensure that no two Badlands Outposts will ever be the same!

Savanna Trail Ruins

This structure has been remade from scratch: now it generates in a cross-like shape with unique rooms, instead of a boring single cube. The spawning conditons have been updated to compensate for the increased size of the structure.

The loot table of the Suspicious Gravel (Savanna Ruin) has been updated as well. With many more valuable items, (such as Diamonds, Emeralds, and even a Trident) it is now more rewarding of the invested time. This marks the first ever way to obtain a Trident in a world set to the Peaceful difficulty!

Other Structures

Other Structures have had their spawning conditions tweaked, some were updated with Structure Void to make them blend into the surroundings nicely.

Note: Not all Structure variants were improved in this update. The next minor version will be focused on bugfixing and revamping the remaining Structures.

Paper Wall Set

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A new type of wall, best used for the interior designs. Crafted using Sticks and Paper, you can find a ton of creative uses for it: lamps, posts or room dividers are my personal favorites.


  • Raw Ore blocks can now be smelted in the Enhanced Blast Furnace, taking the same time as smelting 8 regular items would. This makes it the most efficient way of smelting huge amounts of Raw Ore;
  • Redstone components using Cobblestone as a crafting material can now use any of the following as a replacement:
    • Cobbled Deepslate,
    • Blackstone,
    • Andesite,
    • Diorite,
    • Granite,
    • Tuff;
  • Villager Mending changes have been reverted in the preperation for the next update;
  • Changed the color of the name of the Infused Quartz Block to hint at its unique attributes;
  • Updated See Sights advancement to include the Badlands Outpost.

Food Changes:

  • Added Golden Delight, the ultimate healing food crafted from Golden Carrot, Golden Apple and a Glistering Melon;
  • Rebalanced Saturation on some of the Foods;


  • Added Fertilizer, Crafted with Algae and either Rotten Flesh or Bone Meal;
  • Using Fertilizer on a Farmland will turn it into a Fertilized Farmland;
  • Added Fertilized Farmland:
    • Crops grow slightly faster;
    • Can get moisuture from 8 blocks horizontally and 2 blocks vertically, instead of 4 and 0;
    • Can't be trampled;
    • Even if left without water, will never turn to Dirt naturally;
    • When mined, will drop 1 Dirt block and 0-2 Algae.

Vanilla Tweaks:

  • Zombie Villagers have significantly increased chance of dropping Carrots and Potatoes;
  • Some Music Disks can now be smelted in the Enhanced Blast Furnace:
    • Relic, Otherside -> Diamond;
    • Pigstep -> Netherite Scrap;
    • 5 -> Echo Shard and a significant amount of XP.


  • Potions now stack up to 16;
  • Rockcress can be turned into Bone Meal;
  • Grouped up some items in the Furnace UI;
  • Updated Balanced Diet Advancement;
  • Added cooldown on Throwable Potions;
  • Fixed Ancient City Chests;
  • Localization changes;

New Blocks:

  • Added Rockcress, a flower bed block growing on Cobblestone and Mossy Cobblestone in Old Growth Birch Forests;
  • Added Infused Quartz Block, crafted with Lapis and Quartz Blocks. Can be used as a Beacon Base;
  • Added Andesite, Diorite and Granite Tiles, crafted from Polished blocks on a Stonecutter;

Food Changes:

  • Added Melon Juice;
  • Saturation has been rebalanced on some of the Foods;
  • A few Food Effects have been changed.

Item Changes

  • Added Algae, obtained by smelting Lily Pads. Can be used as a Fuel, as well as a less potent replacement for some Slime Balls and Coal recipes;
  • Slime Balls can be used to craft Torches;
  • Andesite, Diorite, Granite and Tuff can be used as Cobblestone for some of the recipes;

Birch Forest Changes

  • Now Tall Grass and Lily Pads can generate here, as well as Forest Rocks and Rockcress.
  • Some Forest Rocks have blocks of Raw Iron in them;

Advancement Changes

  • Melon Juice was added to the Balanced Diet advancement;
  • Added World of Goo advancement for smelting a Lily Pad;
  • Added See Sights advancement for visiting at least one of all 7 new structures.

Technical Changes

  • Reordered modded items in Creative menu tabs;
  • Fixed generation bugs;
  • Fixed localization errors;

Please report found bugs to the Discord server.

New Blocks:

  • Added Reinforced Stone and Reinforced Deepslate. Inherit all properties of their regular versions, but are blast resistant. Crafted using Copper;

New Structures:

  • Cold Ruins (3 variants): generate in snowy biomes, have a chest with a unique loot table;
  • Savanna Trail Ruins (4 variants): generate in savanna biomes, have unique Suspicious Gravel;

New Potions:

  • Potion of the Blind Guardian - is brewed using Echo Shards on a Mundane Potion;
  • Potion of the Roaring Star - is brewed using Nether Star on a Thick Potion;

Vanilla Tweaks:

Enchantment Changes:

  • Librarian Villagers no longer trade for Mending;
  • When using Enchanted Book on a Grindstone, you get a regular Book instead of an Ametyst one;

Birch Forest Changes:

  • Old Growth Birch Forests now generate Forest Rocks, like other Old Growth biomes do;
  • A non-Mossy Cobblestone rock might generate instead of a regular one. Those have a chance of containing a block of Raw Iron inside;

Recipe Changes:

  • Andesite, Diorite and Granite can now be used in most Cobblestone recipes;

Food Changes:

  • Cookies can now be eaten faster;

Sprite Textures of a few items have been changed.

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated a year ago