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actually remove said paintings from last update,,,

Version Release v3.3.9 Fabric - 1.21.1

• Removed 3 paintings
• Temporarily disabled ancient and gloom signs due to crashes

• Fixed an issue that caused polished deepslate to have a conflicting recipe with cobbled deepslate bricks
• Fixed a similar issue with the issue above but with blackstone

Version Release v3.3.7 Fabric - 1.21.1

• The wrench is a new tool created using copper and can be used to rotate some blocks when used
• If the player is sneaking and uses the wrench they can rotate blocks in a different direction
• This as most things in the mod are, is configurable and can be disabled or enabled to one's will

Misc Additions
• Glowstone, sea lanterns, redstone lamps, and amethyst lamps can now be broken faster with a hammer
• Added an advancement for using a wrench to rotate a block
• Added statistic for Blocks Wrenched, as the name suggests it increases when a block is rotated via a wrench

• The hammer's durability has been raised from 250 to 781
• The hammer can no longer be used if sneaking
• Certain items now take priority over hammers (and wrenches) when interacting
• Slightly tweaked the description of hammers

• Fixed an issue that prevented the player from using a hammer till relogging if they used an item that wasn't a hammer on a hammerable block
• Changed the recipe of copper bricks as they conflicted with cut copper recipes

• Added the cannot_be_wrenched block tag, blocks in this tag cannot be interacted with by a wrench
• Added the takes_priority_over_tools item tag, items in this tag take interaction priority over hammers and wrenches
• Added the incorrect_for_hammer_tool block tag, this is the inverse of hammer_mineable (blocks in this tag will be blacklisted, useful for modpack creators)
• Added the wrench_repairable item tag, items in this tag can be used to repair the durability of wrenches
• Removed the eb_hammers and hammerable_blocks (block tag) tags as they weren't needed

Small hotfix to fix some issues (should be the last for a while if all goes well)

Version Release v3.3.3 Fabric - 1.21.1

• Fixed an issue that caused crafting table and bookshelf variants to be uncraftable


Version Release v3.2.6 Fabric - 1.20.1

• Updated almentra statue models to match with the 1.21.1 statue models

• Fixed an issue that caused crafting table and bookshelf variants to be uncraftable

Version Release v3.3.1 Fabric/Quilt-1.21-1.21.1

Misc Additions
• Updated ru_ru translations to be up to date with v3.3 (@bricker_man)
• Added bookshelf_variants item tag, this tag comes along with a new recipe for lecterns using EB's bookshelves
• Added items from Excessive Building to many of vanilla's tags, this should help with compatibility and recipes a ton
• Boards can now be smelted and burned like other wood blocks

• Fixed missing block drops for gloom saplings and it's potted variant
• Fixed missing block drops for both ancient and gloom leaves


Version Release v3.2.5 Fabric/Quilt-1.20.1

Misc Additions
• Added bookshelf_variants item tag, this tag comes along with a new recipe for lecterns using EB's bookshelves
• Added items from Excessive Building to many of vanilla's tags, this should help with compatibility and recipes a ton

• Fixed missing block drops for gloom saplings and it's potted variant
• Fixed missing block drops for both ancient and gloom leaves

Version Release v3.3.0 Fabric/Quilt-1.21.1

• The hammer is a new tool created using amethyst and can mine many blocks that normally don't have a tool assigned to them such as glass
• The hammer can also be used to "hammer" various blocks into new states such as engraving sandstone or turning mosaic into boards
• The hammer is also how almentra statues are obtained which is via hammering a polished almentra block
• The hammer also increases knockback based on player movement speed and has higher damage than other items (can be configured)
• Hammers can be enabled/disabled via the config (on by default)

New Features
• Added mossy variants for deepslate bricks, polished blackstone bricks, cobbled deepslate bricks, and blackstone bricks
• Mossy cobblestone bricks now have an additional recipe that uses moss blocks or vines
• Added armadillo scute blocks (as part of losing a bet -_-)
• Added wooden boards and new pumpkin variants as hammered variants of existing blocks
• Added an advancement to go along with hammering a block

Misc Additions
• Added uk_ua translations (@unroman)
• Added a built-in resource pack for 1.22+ ancient wood retextures (this is due to 1.22 adding a white wood set)
...this will replace the textures fully on 1.22+ versions of the mod
• Added pack icons to built-in resource packs
• Ancient fruit now creates mundane potions when using water instead of awkward potions
• Moved custom tooltips to a separate client configuration
• Added a configuration to allow the hammer to have weapon-like attributes (higher damage, slow, atk speed and increased knockback with movement)
• Added a client configurations for hammerable block tooltips

• Updated the texture of almentra bricks
• Updated the texture of almentra statues
• Updated the texture of ancient leaves
• Updated the texture of asphalt (THANK YOU @bricker_man)
• Updated the colors of lime, pink, and brown almentra
• Updated the models for orange, cyan, purple, magenta, pink, and brown almentra statues (THANK YOU FOR HELP @tellioaridoitsu AND @hecco)
• Removed recipes for many blocks such as almentra statues or thick paper walls as these are obtained via the hammer now
• Removed chests from the Excessive Building creative tab
• Updated contributor capes

• Fixed an issue that caused modified loot tables to drop double drops
• Fixed an issue that caused the model of waxed copper brick vertical stairs to not rotate
• Fixed an issue that caused mossy cobblestone brick slabs to drop normal cobblestone brick slabs
• Fixed an issue that caused the comment for "Content Toggles" in the config file to be written at the bottom

Special Thanks to:
@tellioaridoitsu - for helping out with a bunch of the new almentra statues!
@Hecco - for helping with the new orange almentra statue!
@bricker_man - for helping with the new asphalt texture!
@CreationsKeke - for helping out with one last surprise coming up for Excessive Building, which leads me to...

• I know I've said it a few times in the past but I really need to focus on new things, so for now this will be the last major "content" update for a while.
I will maintain the mod for the latest major modding version, I am happy with the state the mod is and I think it is time to finally let it rest.

Version Release v3.2.4 Fabric/Quilt-1.20.1

• Almentra texture changes

• Fixed Black and Light Gray Almentra Statues having missing particles
• All Pottery Patterns are now visible!
• Decorative Shelves increment states by 1 now instead of 2
• Decorative Shelves interaction fixes
• Added missing Mud Brick Vertical Stairs

• Thanks to KekeCreations for helping out with this small fix list,
I had plans to fix these a little while later but he offered to help out :)

Version Release v3.2.3 Fabric/Quilt-1.20.1/1.21(.1)

Misc Additions
• Added amethyst lamps
• Added thin and thick paper blocks
• Added the "Terrain" painting
• Added an "Oak" prefix to Chest and Trapped Chest blocks (via built in pack so it can be toggled)

• Ukrainian translations by (@unroman)

• Updated hardness and sound for almentra
• Updated the texture of almentra and the polished variants (bricks and statues at a later date)
• Updated the texture and model of reaching lanterns
• Updated the recipe for reaching lanterns
• Updated wording of some configuration options to help convey what they do better
• Updated description of the mod
• Removed chance configuration for ancient saplings and gloom seeds (you can just disable them if you don't like them)

• Fixed an issue that caused custom sherds and gloom seeds to not appear from loot tables
• Fixed an issue that caused configuration to disable more than what it specified
• Fixed dyed base almentra stairs/slabs missing a recipe
• Fixed ancient leaves not dropping anything
• Fixed some slabs only dropping 1 slab when double
• Fixed missing texture particle on some almentra statues
• Fixed an issue that caused sandstone pillars to be uncraftable via the crafting table
• Fixed tuff tiles being missing from the creative inventory
• Fixed missing translations for reaching lanterns
• Russian translations should now properly work (@BrickerMoss)

1.20.1 Notices
• For 1.20.1 this update changes/updates Excessive Building to it's current state on 1.21 meaning it is very incompatible with previous versions,
proceed with caution and be sure to backup worlds.
• Due to the block reach attribute not existing on this version (and me not wanting to recreate it just for one version) any case in which
block reach was given will be replaced with haste, if you do not like this it is configurable.


Licensed ARR
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 months ago