


Exeventyre is a magic RPG mod that adds crystal sorcery to Minecraft!

Client and server AdventureMagic MobsWorld Generation

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  • Crystal Caves. New Overworld biome.
  • Cryslate. The main block of the new biome. Has a variety of decorative variations.
  • Crystwood.
  • Crystal Clusters. Drops clusters on destruction. Silk Touch enchantment will allow to get the block itself. Fortune enchantment will allow a bigger chance to get a second cluster. No more than two clusters can be obtained.
  • Crystal Cluster (Item). Right-cliking will drop a blue, purple, or green crystal cluster. May not drop anything.
  • Blue, Purple, and Green Crystal Clusters - may be converted to blocks. Also, the blue ones are the most frequent, and the green ones are the rarest.
  • Crystal Blocks are made from clusters.
  • Polished Crystal Blocks - are made from Crystal Blocks on the stonecutter.
  • Crysthermite. Obtaining by melting crystal wood. Can melt 8 pieces in a furnace. Thus, you can remelt 8 logs with one piece of coal to get fuel equal to 8 pieces of coal.
  • Crysthermite Block.
  • Hinocryst, Vilocryst, and Terracryst are plants in a crystal biome.
  • Crystal Saplings.
  • Arcanaeum Ore.
  • Arcanaeum Pile. Drops from Arcanaeum Ore.
  • Arcanaeum Dust. Crafts from 9 Arcanaeum Piles.
  • Brass Scrap. Crafts from Raw Iron, Raw Gold and Raw Copper.
  • Brass Ingot. Smelts from Brass Scrap.
  • Hinocite Tools. It's Gold tools upgraded in Smithing Table with Blue Crystals. They're has the same properties as Gold Tools but more durability.
  • Crystal Powder. Can fertilize Crystal Saplings.
  • Mending Grease. Can repair Hinocite Tools (and other sorcery tools in the future)
  • Fairy Dust. Drops from Allays.


  • Crystal Biome.
  • Cryslate. The main block of the new biome. Has a variety of decorative variations.
  • Crystwood.
  • Crystal Clusters. Drops clusters on destruction. Silk Touch enchantment will allow to get the block itself. Fortune enchantment will allow a bigger chance to get a second cluster. No more than two clusters can be obtained.
  • Crystal Cluster (Item). Right-cliking will drop a blue, purple, or green crystal cluster. May not drop anything.
  • Blue, Purple, and Green Crystal Clusters - may be converted to blocks. Also, the blue ones are the most frequent, and the green ones are the rarest.
  • Crystal Blocks are made from clusters.
  • Polished Crystal Blocks - are made from Crystal Blocks on the stonecutter.
  • Crysthermite. Obtaining by melting crystal wood. Can melt 8 pieces in a furnace. Thus, you can remelt 8 logs with one piece of coal to get fuel equal to 8 pieces of coal.
  • Crysthermite Block.
  • Hinocryst, Vilocryst, and Terracryst are plants in a crystal biome.
  • Crystal Saplings.

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Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated a year ago