Since version 1.21.4, following vanilla update, all buttons and pressure plates can be harvested by hand with dropping themselves.
Buttons and pressure plates for glowstone and clay block also drop themselves. Versions below 1.21.3 are not affected.
Buttons and pressure plates of bedrock cannot be harvested in Survival Mode, but when losing support blocks, will drop normally.
Except for bedrock, the hardness and resistance of buttons and pressures, if higher than 0.5 in previous versions, will be all adjusted to 0.5. Versions below 1.21.3 are not affected.
Fixed the issue that buttons and pressure plates of bedrock may not drop when losing support blocks.
Fixed the issue that buttons and pressure plates of bedrock may be destroyed when pushed by a piston.
Fixed the issue that items of blocks of gilded blackstone do not have the item tag #minecraft:piglin_loved.
Fixed the issue of mod pathfinding caused by vertical slabs, vertical stairs, quarter pieces and vertical quarter pieces. (Issue #37)
Since version 1.21.4, following vanilla update, all buttons and pressure plates can be harvested by hand with dropping themselves.
Buttons and pressure plates for glowstone and clay block also drop themselves. Versions below 1.21.3 are not affected.
Buttons and pressure plates of bedrock cannot be harvested in Survival Mode, but when losing support blocks, will drop normally.
Except for bedrock, the hardness and resistance of buttons and pressures, if higher than 0.5 in previous versions, will be all adjusted to 0.5. Versions below 1.21.3 are not affected.
Fixed the issue that buttons and pressure plates of bedrock may not drop when losing support blocks.
Fixed the issue that buttons and pressure plates of bedrock may be destroyed when pushed by a piston.
Fixed the issue that in versions 1.21.3 and above, pale moss is not added. Meanwhile, added into block tag hoe_mineable and the special recipes in recipe_tweak.
Fixed the issue that some recipes do not correctly substitute vanilla recipes in the recipe_tweak datapack.
Fixed some incorrect sounds of some resin blocks in 1.21.4.
Since version 1.21.3, added the fence, fence gate, pressure plate and button for blackstone; added fence, fence gate and pressure plate for polished blackstone (the button is vanilla block), and the pressure plate of polished blackstone bricks.
Fixed the issue that the block/item tag for glazed terracotta slabs (#extshape:glazed_terracotta_slabs) is not contained in block/item tag #minecraft:slab.