Farmer’s Dislikes

Farmer’s Dislikes


Make your farming life more vivid

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  • 禁止了平原和森林自然生成老鼠 Banned rats' spawning in forests and plains
  • 铁傀儡会吓跑12米内的老鼠 Rats now run away from iron golems in 12m
  • 老鼠决定去吃东西的时候前进速度变得更慢 Rats now run slower when they get to eat
  • 老鼠现在一胎生两只 Rats now gives birth to two at a time
  • 优化了老鼠的叫声 Improved Rat's sounds
  • 修改了老鼠的AI,现在老鼠的目标优先级是: Modified Rat's AI, now the sequence is:
  1. 躲避猫、铁傀儡、村民与玩家 Avoid cats, golems, villagers, and players
  2. 攻击僵尸 Attack Zombies.
  3. 啃食农作物 Eat hays, pumpkins, melons, and crops.
  4. 试图在耕地打洞 Dig the farmland
  • 改进了老鼠的自主繁殖机制,现在老鼠只会繁殖一代,避免了指数爆炸的风险 Improved Rats' multiplying mechanic, now they will only multiply once, avoiding the risk of exponential explosion
  • 老鼠现在需要两只亲代才能繁殖了 It takes two rats to multiply now
  • 修复老鼠超快繁殖的问题 Fixed that rats multiply too fast

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Published 9 months ago
Updated 9 months ago