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- Improved colours when rendering to certain common formats
- Added "Load Skin from File" button to right-click menu
- Export settings now persist when restarting the game
- Improved registry loading, fixing many issues especially on servers with custom plugins
- Added "Hide Team Prefix/Suffix" to player right-click menu
- Using "Hide during export" and then spectating a player will now hide the arm and held items
- Changed max replay name length from 32 to 128
- Replay name textbox in save replay screen is now focused by default
- Fixed World Border visuals being tied to real-time instead of replay time
- Fixed camera keyframe spectate dismount not working
- Fix skin customization layers resetting after respawn sometimes
- Fix transparent sky visual artifacts with cutout mipped blocks (eg. grass, leaves)
- Fixed crash with Moonrise mod
Flashback-0.17.0-for-MC1.21.1.jar(198.29 MiB) Primary Download