


Preserve unknown blocks, entities and items

Client or server Utility

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Updated to 1.20.1

Fixed incompat with Starlight
Fixed issue with DUMMY block entities

Fixed incompat with C2ME that lead to chunks getting regenerated (magneticflux-)

This is the first version marked as beta! 🎉

  • Updated to 1.19
  • Forge version was dropped due to lack of interest
  • Items and blocks now use Polymer, and they are now textured on the client side!
  • Removed config and alpha warning screen
  • Reduced logspam for block entities and CCA components
  • You can now look up unknown blocks' IDs via /flashfreeze lookup <blockpos>

Add support for disabling the warning screen via Cloth Config.

  • Fake entities now:
    • can only be destroyed by creative players
    • will drop templates if destroyed while shifting
    • have a barrier in the head slot
    • their gear cannot be changed by players
  • All fake items now have CustomModelDatas
  • Fake items now use the unknown item's count
  • CCA component and Forge capability preservation
    • data attached to existing blocks/items/entities by mods is now preserved

Ported to 1.16 Architectury!

  • Fake entities now:
    • can only be destroyed by creative players
    • will drop templates if destroyed while shifting
    • have a barrier in the head slot
    • their gear cannot be changed by players
  • All fake items now have CustomModelDatas
  • Fake items now use the unknown item's count
  • CCA component and Forge capability preservation
    • data attached to existing blocks/items/entities by mods is now preserved

Initial alpha release.

Project members






Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 3 years ago
Updated 4 months ago