Library of features so creating new mods is easier.
Other mods depend on it to work
Features for developers:
coremod data
BlockSettings (tooltip, rotateColor, litWhenPowered, facingAttachment)
inventory wrappers
newmod template with buildscripts
Worldgen feature builders (simple, patch, ore)
dimension utilities
EnergyIngredient for recipes
FluidTagIngredient for recipes
RandomizedOutputIngredient for recipes
Brewing recipe
many misc utilities
/flib commands : can disable them in config flib.toml
-- /flib tpx: teleport across dimensions
-- /flib health add/set/random/factor
-- /flib hunger add/set/random/factor
-- /flib hearts add/set/random/factor
-- /flib gamemode @p 1
-- /flib scoreboard random @p 4 9 OBJECTIVE
-- /flib attribute minecraft:reach_distance random @p 3 8