Flight Command

Flight Command


Provides creative flight in survival, via gamerule (for all) or separate command (for individuals)

Client and server AdventureGame MechanicsMagicTransportation

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flightcommand adds the ability to provide creative flight in survival mode, both as a gamerule to affect all players, and as a command to provide flight selectively to specific users.

Please see the wiki for info and usage.

All of my work is licensed under the MIT license.

Feel free to use this mod in your modpack; I would appreciate a shout-out if you do.

Also: I've recently come across NoCreativeDrift, which pairs nicely with Flight Command if you don't like the flight drift mechanic. It also includes an option to disable non-creative flight drift, too. Hightly recommended with this mod (you know, if that's your thing). Shout out to DarkPr3d for the mod and permission to link to it. :)

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago