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There are many fixes for bone meal in this update! A couple of simple oversights made the whole feature almost useless, which hopefully now should be resolved. 🌸

➕ Additions

es_ES translations have been added this update. Thanks, Flatkat!

🔧 Changes

In visual news, spore blossoms will once again sit higher up in inventory and hotbar slots. Previously they were somewhat hiding behind the item stack counts so I'm hoping this will improve visibility, especially in distinguishing the different states from one another.

Additionally, spore blossoms no longer exclusively generate naturally beneath moss blocks. In fact, the generation location changes have been entirely reverted to vanilla. This is based on the fact that, anecdotally, spore blossoms seemed overly rare and when I found them they were almost always fully grown (no doubt as a result of having spent a long time in this particular survival world). I'm hoping that by making this change, the spore blossom variation will be more "captured in time" so to speak. If you have feedback, be sure to write a feature suggestion on the issues page!

The pink dye recipe output quantities have been rebalanced to fit better with the logic that the juvenile spore blossom states can be crafted just as easily as fully-grown ones. They have been brought down to match most small flowers, with the exception of a very slight boost for the supported Create milling and crushing recipes.

🐛 Fixes

  • Spore blossoms should now correctly work with manual fertilization, fixing the following sub-issues:
    • They did not display "happy villager" particles.
    • They did not play the "crinkling bone meal" sound.
    • They did not consume an item from the bone meal item stack.
    • They did not emit the ITEM_INTERACT_FINISH game event.
  • Spore blossoms should now correctly emit sculk sensor vibrations when recoiling and unfurling.

This hotfix is only available for 1.21.1, as the issue in question only exists there.

🐛 Fixes

  • #3: The output for the Farmer's Delight cutting recipe is no longer malformed in 1.21.1.

Just a small one this time, allowing you to more easily experience the 1.5.0 additions in your worlds. Happy cultivating!

➕ Changes

Fully-grown spore blossoms now drop a growth stage 0 item when fertilized with bone meal. This means you are able to obtain any growth stage regardless of which you already have available to you!

🐛 Fixes

  • The "Florum Sporum" part of the 32x upscale resource pack name is no longer translatable.

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Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 10 months ago
Updated a month ago